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Emerging Technology and Trends Paper

Emerging Technology and Trends Paper


With today's focus on cutting costs and streamlining costs, numerous businesses are looking to advance their bottom lines with more productive supply chains. Unfortunately, numerous persons engaged with businesses don't have a clear understanding of what a supply chain is or how it fits into the businesses general strategy. The expertise commerce works at a fast pace. It's all about getting the products into the hands of tech-hungry consumers and businesses as soon as possible. By adopting emerging technology one can get the supply chain flexibility which one needs to keep pace with the dynamically changing technology marketplace. (Davenport 2005)


Supply chains encompass a company's whole manufacturing and distribution process. They engage every step of the production from planning to manufacturing to handling defective goods. The general aim of these chains is to hold the method running easily at all times and to hold all of the constituents (i.e. vendors, warehouses, etc.) connected.

Supply chain management (SCM) is a process used by companies to ensure that their supply chain is efficient and cost-effective. A supply string of links is the assemblage of steps that a company takes to change raw constituents into the last product. Typically, provide chain management is comprised of five stages: plan, develop, make, consign, and return.

For enterprise persons who manage realize the essence of the supply chain, they may not realize how it fits in or how it is distinct from another well liked technology: ERP (Enterprise Resource Program). In detail, supply chains often work best in conjunction with an ERP scheme but they are not intended to restore or to use rather than of such a scheme because ERP schemes engage a multitude of enterprise activities, including customer service and production planning that are not a ...
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