Emerging Technology

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Emerging Technology

Emerging Technology affecting advertising and communication


In recent years there has been continuous debate over Information Technology and its possible effects on society. Some critics argue that Information Technology through advertisement and communication is affecting negatively on our society. Some other critics argue that Information Technology through advertisement and communication is bringing enormous benefits to the society. (Anderson, 2007)

Technology has enabled tons of people to talk about your brand-but it's what you're saying about it that really matters. As we're all aware, the digital age has given us the ability to reach an enormous audience quickly and more frequently. Through RSS feeds, Twitter, and the older standbys of e-mail and Web sites, a world's worth of consumers has become a viable, and fairly instantaneous, target. But while these digital devices have made it far easier to communicate, they fail in one critical respect. They have not made it any easier to decide what to say, or how to say it clearly. Another way to put it: More brands and more people are mumbling their messages in more ways than ever -- but mumbling more or mumbling louder is no way to get noticed. (Jackall 2008)

What complicates the issue is that the "story" cannot be a pure marketing effort. It must paint a clear vision of where the company is headed, based on true intent, and be synchronized with actual company strategy.  (Caprara 2004)

Here's an example of what I'm talking about. Five years ago I joined a company called Computer Associates. It was a proud company but a troubled one, too. Both internally and externally, people were confused about what the company simply was. CA needed a brand story, and after a while we came up with one. We looked at the biggest headache IT managers faced: the challenge of managing IT environments that had grown extraordinarily complex. So from that point on, we decided that our aim would be to tame that environment, to unify and simplify IT management. That became our story. And it then enabled employees to make decisions that moved the brand forward. (Eron 1971)

Perhaps, in the past, a company might have been able to manage without this kind of clarity of purpose, but that's impossible now. Customers are hearing about your brand from many different sources. Analysts, advertisers, competitors, media, bloggers -- all have plenty to say. Obviously, you can't control the conversation, but a crisp, clear brand story, told by you, can shape that buzz and influence it. (Deluty 1981)

Information technology has brought itself to homes of many families. Families have turned their homes into offices, thus reducing the family values. Critics fear that soon there would be electronic cottages throughout the neighborhood and we would lose community, as we knew. Working at home with this information technology, we would certainly be concerned with work all the time at home that would affect the family. But proponents argue it also benefits the family members. Since they are working at home, they can have more interactions with their family members. (Caprara 2004)

Information technology has brought change on the work environment, and the business ...
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