Second Life- Emerging Technology

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Second Life- Emerging Technology

Second Life- Emerging Technology


The main purpose of this paper is to discuss the effects of second life which is a new and emerging technology. The modern era is the technology era. New technologies are emerging everyday, and the world has turned into globalization. Just like the other technologies, second life is also a new and emerging technology.


Today learning has expanded far beyond the traditional textbook and teacher methods. Throughout the globe, society has incorporated learning with innovative perceptive, admiration, and recognition for societal differences and cultures. The ability to communicate with one or more of the 700 learning institutions globally in Second Life is a powerful collaborative tool. More than likely, these learning institutions had already successfully created a course or program in Second Life through which they would be willing to share resources (Bell, 2008). Many of educators in Second Life are willing to accommodate synchronous and asynchronous learning and were open to collaborating and assisting other educators. Second Life reached more students and educators than any other platform. Second Life not only offers the ability to meet in a virtual setting but also offers Avaline, which allows users the ability to phone into classes or meetings.

Second Life is going green and promoting green learning (Fusar, 2008). Using Second Life, helps reduce carbon footprints mandated for businesses, governments, and educational institutions around the globe. Second Life contributed to the reduction of carbon by providing an environment where its users reduce travel and save millions of pounds of carbon emissions from entering the atmosphere. Intel published a case study validating the environmental impact of using energy to power computers to access virtual environments, is minimal by comparison.

The advantages of Second Life are many. It offers the opportunity for learning in an immersive 3D environment where users can participate in chat, instant message and voice, during class time, project presentations, and events (De Lucia, 2009). Virtual worlds were often recognized as having instructional benefits by offering creativity within a rich media environment. One that offers opportunities for social and group interactions made it possible for collaboration, an increased sense of actually being there, social boundary closure, decreased social fears, improved student motivation, student engagement, and student learning preferences (Burgess, 2010). In addition to the academic potential of using virtual world environments, the social aspects and experiences were significant to education (Burden, 2009). Data collected from a study of students indicated six characteristics that facilitate learning in Second Life. Without a doubt Second Life has a learning curve for many of its users. However, we need to consider that there is a learning process with all course management systems. This learning process is no different from learning how to use Blackboard, eCollege, Moodle, or other course management systems.

The main goal is to offer multiple methods of course delivery and make it more appealing for all students. There cannot be just one method of course delivery. If this were true, educators would not have moved from the ...
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