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Internet marketing has dramatically changed the perspective of advertising industry. Nowadays many of the organizations are using internet marketing as a tool for advertising. It has many benefits such as it cost much cheaper than any other marketing tool. Online marketing is considered to be very effective tool. Online network has grown and people are using internet more than it was in previous years.

Businesses in developing countries face challenges different from those in developed countries. This calls for models that are robust enough to capture most, if not all, of the idiosyncrasies(Baikov, 2000). For example, a television, radio advertising, or advertising of a permanent company in the printed sources is an order of magnitude more expensive than similar positioning in the electronic media, but sources on the internet audience is often even more than traditional media outlets.

Sid's Creamery will be benefited by advertising online. More people will see their advertisement and will be aware of their products. Online advertisement that is displayed in the search engines and web pages are effective. Contextual advertising is different from the usual online advertising that depends on the user's search query, or on the subject of the page where demonstrated. Contextual advertising is good that the site attracts target audience - visitors interested in the advertised product or service.


There are four major competitors of Sid's creamery and all of them have similar product i.e. Ice-cream. The pricing strategies of all these competitors are also similar as their ice creams are not differentiated more so that they could charge higher prices to customers. The product is distributed by franchise. The promotion and advertising campaign are little different. Some of the companies do not advertise their product because they are known in the market and are sold as per customer requirements (Golik, 2008).


Sid's creamery is company ...
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