No scientific invention has revolutionized the world's advancement as the television, radio and the computer video games. They have shrunk the world into a global village. Invention after invention revolutionizes the world and the television and the radio and computer video games have brought about amazing changes in the dissemination of information and in popularizing the entertainment programmes. Science is fast developing and making our lives more and more civilized and comfortable. In this paper we will discussed what technological innovations have had the greatest impact on this area in the last 100-200 years?
The radio has messages and information for all kinds of People. There are programmes for the students, for the agriculturists, for the labourers in various sectors, for the women for the persons who suffer from some diseases etc. When doctors, specialists in various fields of medicine, speak directly to the listeners on the radio and the television, patients suffering from some diseases get useful information about the treatment of their diseases. Writers, cinema and drama artistes, playback singers and so on interact with the listeners.
The listeners are happy to speak to the distinguished persons in various fields. The radio and the television are a boon to mankind. The number of programmes of entertainment and information on the radio and the television are numerous. In some villages the community radio and the television centers are a source of much information to the villagers. Today the radio has drastically changed, but still uses the same general principles discovered one hundred years ago.
We now use radio technology for surfing the web, making telephone calls and most recently texting. The idea of the radio is still being improved day to day. 3g and Wi-Fi are examples of recent radio improvements ...