Elcc Standards

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ELCC Standards

ELCC Standards

Philosophy influences curriculum

I believe that school has several functions to serve as the primary purposes in order to ensure the safe learning environment for students. In this way, students may get equal opportunities to learn and develop through intellectual means. Students should get the quality materials with facilities and high quality staff. These things are worthy in order to ensure the quality learning environment. It is important to consider that what makes the healthy educational environment (Ornstein, Pajak, & Ornstein, 2011, pp.398). These things are important for the teachers in order to make students quality learners. There are several factors which affect the quality of education and curriculum of schools such as; applicant pools, budget limitations, and also politics. If I go through the ELCC standards 2.1 to 2.4 then, I find that these standards support the philosophy in a direct way. The standards emphasize that the there should be positive school culture (2.1), books standards and performance among students with an effective instructional program (2.2) with use of good practices (2.3) and all students have rights to get the quality instructions with strategies (2.4). A leaders should have the strong devotion with the education because, all the students are directly influenced by the quality teacher (Ornstein, Pajak, & Ornstein, 2011, pp.398).

The standard 2.4 allow the teachers to develop the students in a professional way and, get them opportunities for their future. Now we can see the philosophy of leadership in different aspect. With all these standards, philosophy has the direct influence to the curriculum. If we highlight the philosophy of leadership then, we can see that leadership is directly influencing students in number of ways. It starts when teacher makes a proper plan for the development of students (Ornstein, Pajak, & Ornstein, 2011, pp.398). There are also certain factors to contribute good teaching for example, clear communication with the students, strong organizational skills and other factors. A teacher should has a good teaching style to make the students understand of their lessons. Teacher should have different styles of teaching because, in this way teacher can divert the attention of the class to learning. When we talk about the philosophy of leadership then we may focus the Situational leadership theory which allow the leaders to follow different tasks in combinations of several relationship behaviors (Ornstein, Pajak, & Ornstein, 2011, pp.398). It has been researched that situational leadership style is beneficial for the organization as well as the personal satisfaction.

There should also be an effective managerial style in order to run the organization. These styles allow the management to give the rewards to the students who perform in an efficient manner. The management style is found to raise the academic performance with the informal approach. An informal approach allow the leaders to talk in an informal way with the learners and, also criticize on the poor performances but in a smooth way (Ornstein, Pajak, & Ornstein, 2011, pp.398). These ELCC standards 2.1-2.4 allow the positive relationship with the ...
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