One well-known classical theories of management theory of bureaucracy by Max Weber (1864-1920), which describes the rational and efficient form of organization is characterized by a rule-oriented forms of organization. According to Miller (2005, Weber's bureaucracy is believed to be dominated by society because of its technical superiority (p .10. Concept of Weber's bureaucracy does not take into account components of social and cultural change, emphasizing more on the authority or leadership, and practical indestructible component. According to Littlejohn and Foss (2004, Weber's concept of ideal in the bureaucracy of the organization is characterized as hierarchical and stratified, rules-driven and insensitive to individual differences and needs (p 0.242. In this closed system is strict adherence to the rational-legal forms of authority which the accession of rules, division of labor and a hierarchy of power is centralized. When using bureaucratic theory and its elements, we consider a so-called ideal bureaucracy in the field of educational leadership, particularly in the organization, Educational Leadership Constituent Council (ELCC. cooperation of the National Council for Accreditation Teacher Education (NCATE) and the National Policy Board for Educational Administration (NPBEA) led to the development of the ELCC, which is an authoritative form, or rule the soil system, aims to use educational leadership, skills and knowledge to the student's school (Bjork and Kowalski, 2005 p 0,62. Despite its idealistic goals and objectives, ELCC was criticized for the introduction of closed systems, and policy-based management.
Advantages and Disadvantages
Marx wrote that the bureaucracy is present in the economy, but it was to the detriment of society and the bureaucracy of a free society can only be achieved by the removal of a market economy in state hands. Weber on the other hand, wrote that the state and economy are inseparable and that the characteristic of capitalism is its insatiable drive for efficiency, which will only increase bureaucracy.
Marx saw the economy is not as separate and deregulation, as well as linked through the "Corporation of the State." The bureaucracy itself is present within the tariffs and taxes, as well as legislation that protects consumers from below standard work. Hegel says in his book "The Philosophy of Law," that instead of the invisible hand of management of the economy there are civil servants who serve the universal good, particularly as a professional. Civil servants will be used by states to regulate market transactions. The idea is similar to the invisible hand, as self-interest is outstanding in this process. If they differ, however, in a statement, Hegel argues that public servants will serve the needs of the universal and not be very interested in the quality of their work and, consequently, their income must be impartial in the economy, so government intervention balanced. Hegel described the idea of self-interested bodies in the universal good, as follows:
"What service is required to state ... that men should abandon the selfish and capricious satisfaction of their subjective purposes, (this is required in the case of each message service), ...