I would take this opportunity to thank my research supervisor, family and friends for their support and guidance without which this research would not have been possible.
I, [type your full first names and surname here], declare that the contents of this dissertation/thesis represent my own unaided work, and that the dissertation/thesis has not previously been submitted for academic examination towards any qualification. Furthermore, it represents my own opinions and not necessarily those of the University.
Signed __________________ Date _________________
The study has focused on the supply chain flexibility in case of Dell. The Dell is one of the most competitive companies engaged in the business operation of the personal computers. The company has developed the direct build to order model for the sales that has been followed for 20 years now. The efficient system of the supply chain and the direct order system have given competitive advantage to the company. The customers can place their orders directly to the company through the websites and the phone. The supply chain management in Dell is considered to be very different as compare to other corporations. As the customers are very clever and smart in today's world, the company has introduced several products in the past in order to attract the customers. The reason behind introducing such changes in the products is to attract the customers so that the productivity can be enhanced and high levels of profits can be generated. The supply chain needs to be represented in the way that there are more options available to the firms. The flexibility of the supply chain can be assessed by observing the supply chain process of the company. The company has implemented effective supply chain process that has enhanced the process of the inventory. As the flexibility of the supply chain implies that the company should be able to meet the challenges of the demand and supply that occurs in the market every now and then. The fluctuation in the supply and demand must be met by the company if it has effective supply chain flexibility
Background of the Research Study6
Aims and Objectives of the research study6
Significance of the Research Study7
Rationale of the Research Study8
Research Questions8
Structure of the thesis9
Logistics Management11
Supply Chain Management (SCM)11
Evolution of Supply Chain Management13
Strategic Objective of the Supply Chain15
Flexibility in Supply Chain15
Overview of Dell17
Current Position of Dell19
Supply Chain Management in Dell20
Challenges faced by the Supply Chain of Dell23
Assessment of Supply Chain flexibility in Dell24
Research Design27
The Research Process28
Rationale for a Quantitative Research28
Rationale for a Qualitative Research29
Search for and compilation of empirical information29
Secondary Data29
Primary Data30
Data Analysis Methods31
Literature review31
Analysis, Conclusion and Recommendation32
Scope of the Research33
Ethical Measures33
Underlying assumption35
Possible alternative to your proposed methods35
Any difficulties and uncertainties35
Explanation of the rationale for your proposed methods36
Informed Consent36
Findings of Literature Review38
Supply Chain Management38
Pillars of the Flexible Supply Chain40
Strategies of Dell40
Supply Chain Management at Dell41
Flexibility of Supply Chain in Dell42
Findings of the Primary Research42
Framework of the Supply Chain Flexibility43
Effect of Supply chain flexibility on Company's Performance43