Effects Of Drugs On Adolescent

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Effects of Drugs on Adolescent



Discussion Analysis4

Signs of Teen Drug Abuse5

Why this problem occurs mostly in adolescents6

Effects of Drug Abuse on adolescents6

Effects of Drugs on the Developing Brain7

Function of Neurotransmitter8

Changes in Perception8

Research on Alcohol Consumption9

The Effects of Alcohol on Memory10

The Hippocampus and Alcohol10

Resolution to these problems11




The paper is intended to highlight the effects of drugs on adolescents with the addition of its positive resolutions from this addiction. It is believed that people are unaware about the activities of their own children which certainly allow their child to go towards the adoption of drug addiction activity. In the modern times, drug addiction has reached to its peak and people are diverting themselves to the clinics and hospitals for its recovery. It raises certain questions why this eruption expanded in the world and how this can be resolved by the help of different methods. This research paper will certainly demonstrate the facts and determine the key problems occur from these addictions.

Effects of Drugs on Adolescent


It has been researched that adolescents usually experiment several substances and activities. Regrettably, this experimentation could drag them to the addiction and abuse. Statistics have proved that drug addiction is becoming a huge problem among teens. Moreover to Ecstasy, cocaine and other club drugs; a current research of Monitoring the Future revealed that there are further six drugs which are consuming in a high ratio among teens are: cough medicine (6.9%), amphetamines (8.1%), Vicodin (9.7%), tranquilizers and sedatives (6.6% each), marijuana (31.5%), cocaine (5.7%) and other drugs (24.9%) (www.cesar.umd.edu). It is important to understand that without treatment, the impacts of drug abuse on adolescents could lead to severe consequences into their adulthood. Current brain research with magnetic resonance imaging defines that the impacts of alcohol over adolescents are different from adults. It seems that young people are more dangerous to the adverse impacts of drugs on the hippocampus, the part of brain which works in the work of learning and memory. Therefore, high amount of drug usage during the adolescent period could result in lower marks on tests of attention and memory in age between 18 to 20 years.

Discussion Analysis

Boys or girls who start drinking before the age of 15 are 4 times more likely to be the alcohol dependent than those who wait until they are twenty one. Adolescents are comparatively high sensitive than adult's sedative qualities of alcohol. In response, sedation to alcohol is one of the ways for protecting body itself, since it is not possible to continuously drinking once passed out or asleep. The youngster can stay awake for a longer time period having level of alcohol in blood as compared to older drinkers. Biologically, this difference lets teens to drink more, due to which they are exposed to brain damage from the poisoning of alcohol and cognitive impairment. Moreover, the usage of drugs like nicotine is also very common among teens. The nicotine affects the teenagers and mature smokers in the striking different way. Nicotine causes memory loss and cell damage in the ...
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