Effective Team And Performance Management

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Effective Team and Performance Management

Effective Team and Performance Management




Team Development2

Evaluating the case according to Tuckman's Model4

Application of the Tuckman's' model5

“Formation Phase”: According to the Tuckman's Theory5

“Storming phase”: According to the Tuckman's Theory6

“Norming Phase”: According to the Tuckman's Theory7

“Performing Phase”: According to the Tuckman's Theory8

Effective Team and Performance Management Recommendations8



Team development and leadership play significant roles in Innovation and extension of a business. This paper expresses how Tuckman's model for team development can be used to study the evolution of teams with the benefit of hindsight for improving potential performance. Our experience leading Electron manufacturers provides the example. Vital elements in the growth of the teams are recognized and substitute measures are mentioned.

'This report aims to analyze and evaluate the team performance obvious within the Electron Company. It will classify the decisive factors which affect the team's performance.

The first section will apply the theory and its concepts in context of the Electron Manufactures to critically analyze how team formation has occurred in the case study. The second part of the report will assess the power of social loafing and consistency on the accomplishment of an effectual team, before making recommendations for improvement. Effective Team and Performance Management


Tuckman's model is a team development model made by a psychology professor Bruce Tuckman. This model was made by the professor after consulting more than fifty studies of group development in the year 1965. Tuckman combined their common features and made a model which was most frequently cited in group development models. This Model is renowned as the Tuckman's Model which comprises four linear stages. These stages are forming, storming, norming, and performing (Tuckman, B., & Jensen, M. 1977. Pp, 419-427). According to his theory, every group goes through these stages in its decision making and implementation stages. This model of team growth also suggests that unless the isssues of processes and feelings have been satisfactorily addressed, it is unlikely that the team will reach the most productive final stage.

In this paper we aim to analyze and evaluate the team development of a UK based firm, Electron. The company was established in late 90's. The company created components for the telecom sector. We will discuss and analyze the case study of Electron manufacturers in light of the Tuchman's team formation theory so as to evaluate the performance of its various teams and provide recommendations for change accordingly.


Team Development

As defined in the introduction, The Tuckman's theory of growth is considered as a vital source for a strong and healthy organizational team structure. According to Tuckman's theory the four stages of team growth involves Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing where the first stage Forming refers to the establishment phase when the team members introduce themselves to each other and gets oriented with the work. The teams then moves to a secondary stage which is known as storming. This phase is distinguished by disagreement among the team mates and an attempt of asserting power over the ...
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