Effective Steps In Policing

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Effective Steps in Policing

Effective Steps in Policing


This paper talks about the police operations to look at what the police do and how they do it. Further, the paper will look at the academic journals of the 1960s where an understanding was developed to change the traditional methods of policing and improve the work of the police. The traditional methods of policing consisted of three main elements which were the random police patrolling, calls to the emergency offices and crime investigation. It is the obligation of the local government to provide public safety to its citizens. These are considered as the basic human rights and thus are very important for the community's overall quality of life. In countries where people do not feel safe to work and function, the economic conditions take a downward trend. People resist making investment decisions, raising a family in that area or starting a business. Thus, effective policing is important for the safety and regulation of the country.


One of the most important tasks of the security officials is to establish real and perceived public safety and this paper will outline the ways of dealing with such challenges by the local police. The function of the police is muchbroader than just the crime control. The citizens feel that police are the crime fighters and will help in all kinds of situations and deal all kinds of criminal activities. The real policing encompasses many factors and are intertwined together in a great web. The crimes such as murder, rape, robbery, assault are only a small percentage of the crimes that the police counter. The other routine tasks include offenses such as the drug dealing and prostitution which cause many issues for the police. The problems that the police deals everyday are different from one another and they require different responses from the officers.

The objectives of the police include prevention and control of threat to life and property. Further, to aid the victims of the crime and protect them from the dangers of physical harm is the main element of the policing which needs to be looked at appropriately. The facilitation of the movement of people and help those who cannot care for themselves such as those who are mentally ill, old citizens and physically disabled. They are responsible to resolve any conflicts between people, groups and citizens and identify issues that can later become a serious concern.

Thus, the functions of the police are much wider in the context for some citizens and also for the police officials who would rather opt for simple and straightforward police action. Thus, to achieve all the objectives makes police vulnerable in certain situations when they don't have the right authority or skills to counter them. For instance, when there is a public demonstration the police have to balance the right of the public with the need to ensure that the citizens must move freely and safely. Thus, in such situations when the mob gets out of control, it gets difficult for the police ...
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