Effective Leadership And Communication In Bpm

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Effective Leadership and Communication in BPM

Effective Leadership and Communication in BPM

Introduction to Leadership

There are various definitions that describe the concept of leadership that how the principles should be practiced and applied to the organizations and in the BPM projects. It is principally local perspective which fundamentally determines that the approach of leadership should be adopted which involve the facing of local challenges, the history and relative potency of the local relationships, local ways of doing the things and the local resource issues. This is why an entirely general approach to put into practice, the change is not rational and why one approach will work in one place but not in another.


One of the basic functions of management is leading, and this function of leading is performed by leaders. A good leader knows how to handle diverse members working in the organization. In fact, a good leader would always prefer diversity rather than homogeneity and take the utmost advantage of the diverse work force. Leadership is defined by focusing on it from an individual's ability of leadership. His definition of leadership is as follows:

"Leadership is a function of knowing yourself, having a vision that is well communicated, building trust among colleagues, and taking effective action to realize your own leadership potential”

Leadership is the task of motivating, guiding, directing and leading others in the right direction in order to fulfill certain mutual aims and objectives. A leader through leadership role shows the right and correct path to his or her subordinates. Leadership provides subordinates a guidance with which they can bring improvement in their work and projects like BPM.

An effective leader does not just dream, but the development and sharing with his family. It is also one of the main characteristics of exemplary leaders. By taking the time to listen, a leader can hear what other members want to include in the vision, and establish a truly shared destiny. Leaders inspire a shared vision. Leaders see beyond the normal, but the leader's vision becomes possible only when expressed in clear and concrete terms. It's like the architect who makes drawings and the design engineer who materializes his dream by building. These leaders see opportunity everywhere, especially in her team persons. The choice of a certain individual to be perceived as a leader should be initiated by perceiving this individual as possessing certain attributes that are appreciated by a subordinate of the same organization, these attributes could be Role model, inspiration, facing adversity, getting others to act, and generating enthusiasm to act as they deem essential for successful leadership.

Leaders create change, focus on leading people, have followers, have long-term goals and are proactive. They create the vision, approach vision by setting direction, facilitate in decision making, and use personal charisma. Leaders appeal to the heart, are persuasive by selling their vision, strive for achievement, take risks, and break rules. They also have the transformational style, exchange excitement for work, use conflict to resolve issues, and make new ...
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