Leadership And Communication

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A case study of Bellingham Bakery: Assessing leadership and communication problems

A case study of Bellingham Bakery: Assessing leadership and communication problems


Leadership and communication inextricably linked with each other. Consistent with an array of definitions, leadership is a communicative practice. Communication scholarship is necessarily germane to understanding the practice and development of leadership. Highlighting on, how communication scholarship contributes to leadership, therefore, communication research gets used to identify how leaders can become more effective communicators, so they can lead better. The intent, in this case, is to improve the practice and effectiveness of individual leaders working in Bellingham. Second, communication is useful for exploring how leadership operates as an interactive, social process among business people. This can be achieved through analysis of leadership discourse or by studying cultures or social systems, such as organizations, teams, or communities, in an attempt to understand how leadership happens and what impact it has. This approach extends the focus beyond individual leaders to an examination of the larger phenomenon of leadership as a process among people in complex systems (Ryan, & Deci, 2000).

Probably every person of educational leadership can recite the traditional account of the development of leadership thought. Although these stories vary slightly, they tend to reflect the same progression. Beginning with trait theory, they move to behavioural theory and contingency theory, and then continue with excellence and transformational theories, and more recently focus on leadership as an organizational quality. Aspects of leadership such as aesthetic and ethical and social justice dimensions been largely ignored in the traditional U.S. history of leadership thought.

Answer 1)

The identification of these problems could be achieved in various ways. First of all, mystery shopping t the bakery outlets would be the most appropriate strategy used in understanding the whole situation in a bakery and create an understanding of the employees and managers working there. Through relevant checklist made for the observations at the outlets we easily collect the required information to find out the main problems behind the overall problematic situation. Thus, we came to know that there is communication and leadership gap amongst the employees and managers working at the outlets.

The mind of every person is a single filter and no two people are alike in terms of mental, physical and emotional. In addition, there are cultural, social and development issues. Therefore, the meaning of the message sent by the issuer or the issuer and the response it receives and gets affected by many factors including the presumption of understanding, perception of reality and attitudes, opinions and emotions. Similarly, Bellingham faced problems regarding the communication and leadership approach in their organizational structure over the years. Thus, the directors and upper management got a concern about the whole scenario. However, the main reason to create this situation is the acquisition with Waterfields. Their managers left leaving Bellingham managers to walk along with the employees that are from the Waterfielf outlets. Thus, this creates a scenario of communication and coordination gap, as a main reason being the lack of ...
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