Effective Essay Writing At Post Graduate Level

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Effective Essay Writing at Post Graduate Level

Effective Essay Writing at Post Graduate Level

Task 1

Research Strategy

The Project

Educational institution is, beyond doubt, the most essential and significant one of all the social institutions and has to be treated differently in order to ensure proper operation and working of all the other social institutions. It is eminent to mention here that the education related issues and problems have to be addressed seriously and significantly, as thus institutions plays the most important role in preparing the future generation for taking hold of the country and the governmental as well as administrative processes of the country.

In order to complete this assignment, I have selected the following topic:

'Issues in primary education in Australia and the need to solve them'

In order to clarify the topic, it is eminent to mention that the researcher would be initially using the term 'Education in Australia' to find answers to the particular questions. However, after explaining the overall scenario, the search term would be changed to 'Primary education in Australia', 'Issues of primary education in Australia' and finally to 'Solutions to issues of primary education in Australia'. Thus, the research would start with the general idea to present the overall picture for the reader and then would be refined to come to the specific topic and present the findings (Fayolle and Klandt, 2006).

It should be noted that primary education holds imminent importance not only in deciding the future of students but it is also important for making decision about the future of the nation. Research has shown that nations who place importance on education of their children are more successful as compared to other, who ignore this social institution. Keeping in view the importance of the issue and topic of discussion, I would make sure that all the reliable and credible sources are used, which ensure that the data is factual and not manipulated in any manner. The following journals and books would be specially used:

Australian Journal of Education (AJE)

The Australian Journal of Teacher Education

Journal- Australian Educational Computing

ACPET Journal for Private Higher Education

Action Research & Action Learning

Australian Educational Researcher

Australian Education Hub

Australasian Journal of Educational Technology

Australian Journal of Adult Learning

International Educational Journal

Australian Journal of Educational & Developmental Psychology (AJEDP)

It is eminent to mention here that the above mentioned journals are all peer reviewed and reliable and the information gained by them can be safely used for the conduction of research. Moreover, these also contain updated and recent information that can assist in getting exact idea about the recent and contemporary issues in education and thus allow the researcher to know about the details of educational sector (Noll, 2008). As the main purpose of the research is to make sure that there are no loopholes and issues in the management of institution and imparting of education, I would make use of a few books as well that allow deeper insight of the field also would also make sure that in addition to the issues, solutions are also presented in the ...
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