Cannabis or marijuana is considered as highly used drugs in majority of western countries. It is known to be the second highest used drug after tobacco and used for smoking purposes commonly. As per estimates cannabis is utilized by 50% of young population at least once in their lives. The youngsters engaged in smoking cannabis age from 16 years to 30 years. Cannabis and its ingredients cause psycho stimulating due to presence of THC factor in it. The use of cannabis along with usual smoking also possesses the chemicals and elements like polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, cyanide, benzene etc.
The main ingredient that is used in preparation of cannabis is a plant named as hemp and was used throughout 19th and 20th century. The main purpose of this plant was to be used for industrial activities that helped in production of fibres. However, the uses of this plant are now obtained from other plants of fibres. As per the research and results of archaeologists that cannabis was initially used in numerous cultures for spiritual and religious activities. The main purpose in ancient times of this drug was to produce the psycho stimulating and trance oriented feelings and activities. Gradually in later centuries when science began to develop rapidly, cannabis was used for medical purposes such as cannabis used for getting relief from pain, producing antiemetic and ant consultation effects. However, once the scientists developed asprin, and other pain relieving drugs the use of cannabis slowed down as medical object.
The use of cannabis as recreational drug became common in the times of jazz in 1920s and 1930s and gradually turned into one of the most essential element of youngster's life during 1960s. The cannabis can be used in different forms for consumption such as oils, soft drinks, and sweat dish. One of the most common forms of using cannabis is done via inhaling through lungs. This form is more commonly seen when one is smoking cigarette containing cannabis or pipes or by dissolving in other specialized drugs machines for example bong, chillum. Regardless of the forms of taking cannabis, the usual smoking and smoking with cannabis elements inside cigarette is quite different from each other. The cannabis smoking requires to take huge puffs, deep inhaling, and holding breath for larger time. The main purpose is to inhale so deep so that its main ingredient is inhaled and taken inside of lungs i.e. THC. The above described way of smoking cannabis instead of taking pure cannabis causes pneumothorax and bullous occurring lungs diseases. In addition, inhaling cannabis also causes increasing number of injurious elements being deposited inside one's body. It is evident that inhaling cannabis is far more injurious to health particularly lungs as compare to usual normal smoking of tobacco (Wu T C, Tashkin D P, Djahed B. et al 1988, p. 351).
Basic Facts about Cannabis
Various researches and studies have been conducted to show the use ...