Education Vs. Experience

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What is more important to a person school education or life experience?

What is more important to a person school education or life experience?


World is a place where we come in across several events, several different people with different opinion, attitudes, and characters. We are witnesses of several things that happen to us. In sorrow we remember of several things that we learned. Several people say that the knowledge we acquire in school is the most important and make us a worthy person. But is that real? We need only education, or we also need experience? There have been several debates throughout previous years whether students learn useful things in schools. There are various books written on this subject. We all know that school education is very important and it is very important to go to school and study their subjects but the question is that do these facts really going to help people in their future? Or there is something more useful such as real life experience. There are some people who say that a person cannot learn everything at school; he/she needs to have real life experience into to life better life in future (Robert, 2005, 24). Therefore in this paper we are going to debate on this topic whether school education is more important in people's life of real life experience. The purpose of this paper is to let readers know about the importance of both school education and real life experience. Moreover, it will help employers to not only judge people on their education but also on their experience.


School is the root of education whereas life experience is the truck of a tree where branches grow to carry shadows of dancing leaves. Indeed school is an important thing in our lived that make us learn thing that are important to lead a decent and good life. We as human are build in schools with respect and culture. However, everything cannot be learned be in schools. Real life experiences are important to lead a good life without regrets in heart. I agree with many people who argue that we cannot learn everything in school. Though we get variety of information and several facts about different things in school but we do not get all the answers there. We do not have answers how to behave in stressful situations, how to choose right life partner in life, or how over overcome daily life problems and complications. All these questions are significant and plays important role in our lives. Though school is an important place but real life experiences are much more precious. Therefore it is said that experience is the best teacher because it teaches us the way to live a life. It is a stem school mistress. It sets us hard lesions, charges high fees, and punish severely to those who are naughty and unattentive but what it teaches can never be taught by any other school (Ken, 2004, ...
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