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Assignment on Economics

Although many people perceive Economics as a purely technical subject with lots of equations and diagrams, you do have to write assignments from time to time. Researchomatic should help you write intellectual but highly analytical essays and assignments, for which a high mark is guaranteed.

Alternative Economies
ALTERNATIVE ECONOMIES Alternative Economies Table of Contents Introduction1 Discussion3 About Time Banks3 Why Time Banks?5 Another Perspective7 How Time Banks Work6 The Hour 4 Hour Time Exchange6 Conclusion10 References12 Alternative Economies 'Alternative organisations are bound to fail: they are either too small and too insignificant to withstand the force of global capitalism, or they will develop capitalist tendencies and reproduce capitalist hegemony'. ...
Macro Economics
MACRO ECONOMICS Macro Economics Macro Economics Answer No. 1 This part of study is related to Okun's Law, the Phillips Curve and the simple aggregate demand and supply. In this context, Okun's Law indicates the relation of the unemployment rate of an economy with the gross national product of economy. In the ...
Macroeconomics Assignment
Macroeconomics Assignment Macroeconomics Assignment Macroeconomics Assignment Answer # 1 Link between Okun's Law, the Phillips Curve and the simple aggregate demand/supply Okun's law states that the relationship unemployment rising and country's GDP (Gross Domestic Product) declines (Blanchard 1997). It relates to principle with an increasing unemployment by one percent above a natural level, it ...
Tour Destination And Planning
TOUR DESTINATION AND PLANNING Economic Factors of Tour Operators when Selecting a Destination and Planning a Holiday Economic Factors of Tour Operators when Selecting a Destination and Planning a Holiday Introduction Since the fifties tourism begins to emerge as one of the fastest growing economic activities worldwide, coinciding with the period of ...
Economic Analysis
ECONOMIC ANALYSIS EC1022C/N - Economics for Business: Individual Portfolio EC1022C/N - Economics for Business: Individual Portfolio Question 1 a) Price Quantity TC AC MC TR AR MR 0 0 1     0     10 1 13 13.0 12.0 27 27.0 27.0 20 2 24 12.0 11.0 53 26.5 26.0 30 3 33 11.0 9.0 78 26.0 25.0 40 4 40 10.0 7.0 102 25.5 24.0 50 5 50 10.0 10.0 125 25.0 23.0 60 6 66 11.0 16.0 147 24.5 22.0 70 7 84 12.0 18.0 168 24.0 21.0 80 8 104 13.0 20.0 188 23.5 20.0 90 9 126 14.0 22.0 207 23.0 19.0 100 10 150 15.0 24.0 225 22.5 18.0 b) c) How much profit is being made at this combination of price and output? In order to find profit at this point, we will find the difference between the total cost and total revenue, i.e.: TR-TC ...
The Great Depression And The Role Of Government After New Deal
The Great Depression and the role of Government after new deal The Great Depression and the role of Government after new deal Introduction The Great Depression was an economic crisis worldwide continued through the 20s before the Second World War. Its duration depends on the countries analyzed, but most began around 1929 ...
United States Economic Development During 1870-1900
United States Economic development during 1870-1900 United States Economic development during 1870-1900 Introduction In the last third of the 19th century the U.S. economy, in contrast to other countries, "first tier" of modernization, has grown rapidly. The country has an 1880 value of industrial output in GDP has more than 2 times ...
ECONOMICS Elasticity of Demand Solution Elasticity of Demand Solution Question 1(A) There can be different factors that might have affected the prices of gold to change. Given below are the factors which might have affected the gold prices: 1. Changes in exchange rate. A decrease in the value of U.S. dollar exchange rate is usually ...
Business Intelligence
Business Intelligence Business Intelligence Introduction The term Business Intelligence abbreviated BI, became popular from the early to mid 1990s, and refers to procedures and processes for systematic analysis (collection, analysis and presentation) of data in electronic form. The aim is to gain insights into the ways in which corporate objectives enable better ...
Effects Of Expansionary Monetary Policy
Effects of Expansionary Monetary Policy Effects of Expansionary Monetary Policy Introduction Monetary Policy Monetary Policy is primarily the process by which the authority which governs the monetary policy of a country controls the money supply that often is done in order to adjust the interest rate accordingly with a purpose of promoting the economic ...
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