Economic Impact Of Immigration

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Economic Impact of Immigration


Without doubt one of the most persistent arguments about economic impact of migration is that this negatively affects employment rates and wages in host countries. The logic of this argument is this: to immigrate to a country's migrant workers come into direct competition for the jobs with the local workers. It is seen that the migrant workers are willingly accepting the inferior working condition and even low wages as compared to the nationals living there. In other terms, there are many social and economical impacts that have emerged due to the increasing number of immigrants in the country. It has directly affecting the employment rate and simultaneously the recipient country is facing lower level of the market. According to this view, migration is especially pernicious during times of recession or economic slowdown (Lewis, pp 12-23).

Discussion and Analysis

Although from the beginning all economic operators and governments repeatedly said that it was impossible that the contagion reached Europe, it finally arrived. Financial products packaged in the U.S. had become toxic ending infect banking institutions worldwide. The initial hole left by the subprime worsened in countries like Spain for the bad treatment from the beginning, it was of the crisis: the first was not recognized because of the proximity of the elections of 2008 and then when it did, was treated by inserting aid to banks (responsible for the disaster) and then building incentives (Plans E) as hypertrophy of the sector could be saved somehow. Those plans led to the surplus that Spain had at that time will fade from 2008 to 2009. In late 2009 it was clear that things were going for long, that unemployment had soared and that the overnight, unemployment was going to shoot shooting-was-with the result that up to that time had contributed to a 40% labor, immigration, were to go to the lists of unemployed with no hope of finding jobs in other sectors (agriculture and hospitality were saturated with immigration).

Suddenly, the immigrant community to enrich the employers of these three sectors, and provide an invoice payable by the whole society, but acceptable in economic boom, became insurmountable slab weighing on our economy ever since. In addition, there we are today: the lack of professional qualification of the vast majority of immigrants makes it very difficult for them to find work in a labor market more and more contracted. Over the past five decades, economists' research efforts on migration and economic growth have mainly gravitated towards two general questions.

1) How and to what extent do economic factors affect migration decisions?

2) How and to what extent does migration affect different economic indicators?


According to Miller (2009), immigration is a complex and often divisive issue. People often bring strong value judgments to the question of policy towards immigration should be. But one would hope that at least it might be possible to reach consensus on the facts surrounding what the consequences of immigration are.

The US Home Office has just published a large detailed study ...
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