Early Experience Affects Later Development

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Early Experience Affects Later Development

Early Experience Affects Later Development


It is a common belief that, when newborn babies are five years old, they start to learn things, but it is not commonly known that the brain of a child is 90% developed by the time he or she is about 5 years old, the brain already has absorbed much more from birth to age five, then it is going to do after five. So, the child basic development is done within these five years, families and parents can do a lot in aiding the development of the brain of the child, ultimately assisting in their learning. During this time, the rate and sequence, at which the brain develops and absorbs is optimal, and the best time for baby to learn. Experience has a significant importance in the development of the brain. Experience is gained by the combination of the five senses human have. Moriceau, et al, 2006.


The 1950s and 1960s of the 20th century, the Austrian animal behaviorist, Nobel Prize winner Lawrence found that his subject gosling 1 to 2 days after his birth, tried and started to follow a moving object and replicated its behavior, Lawrence called to this behavior an engraved phenomenon, gosling this ability to imitate the behavior and follow the object, was a critical period after his birth, once missed this critical period, he will possibly be able to form this ability.

Early age experiences, have a profound effect on human, personal development. The human brain starts to develop itself very early. A learning environment is necessary to be provided to a child in order for his or her brain to gain vital experiences as it is an indispensable condition of brain development. Some, experiences can even so influential that they can determine whether the child has the ability or not. For example, due to cataract blindness in children, born after the surgery can get a vision. If more than 5-year-old surgery but then identify things to no avail, because it missed the critical period, the brain has lost the ability to put information in the image, even if the eyes see something visual information the brain can not convert to images. Gerhardt, 2004.

Human biology has unlimited potential and the outbreak it can produce, can be immeasurable. The premise of this outbreak is in the critical period after a rich environment to stimulate the brain to get a significant development.

The ability of everyone there is a difference. For instance, some children more than 1 year older on the (lost the word), but the vast majority of the capabilities of the critical period is concentrated in the 0-6 years old, once this period is missed, these capabilities will be suffocation will never be able to play.

Therefore, for the people, the influence of early experience on brain development is enormous, whether it is the development of the ability of music, dance, painting, language, movement, mathematics learning, we must seize the early, and a lot of accumulated ...
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