Late Development

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Late Development


Late development is the perception that one is getting developed at relatively low speed or is not going on with the current developments as the others are (Sylla 2010 45). The countries that are suffering from the consequences of late developments in different sectors often lack the perfect and established national institutions and business systems. These late developments then results in the poor economies of the country (Tsai 2005 78).


Late Developments

These late developments sometimes results due to the lack of wealth or due to the late adoption of the new technology. The people in the countries suffering from the effects of late developments are often seen as pulling donkey carts instead of using modern technology for pulling the weight (Sylla 2010 45). Similarly, in such countries, patients cannot avail the treatment of incurable or newly discovered diseases as the needed amount of money is not spent on research and development in this field (Menz 1999 34).

The countries that are suffering from the effects of late developments in terms of technology, national institutions and business systems are referred to as Developing states as these are the states that are still going through stages of development while those who have already gone through these stages are referred to as Developed states. Time is considered as one of the main hurdle in the adoption of the advancements and developments in the national institutions, business systems and technology (Whitley 2005 78).

It takes time to get on the certain stage of development therefore the countries having newly developed infrastructure cannot reach that level. Similarly, their different national institutions that have been established for providing education, health and judicial services are not working at that level as it is required. Their business systems are not developed to the stage that they can provide healthy competition to their international competitors (Dore 2000 34). Shortcut image and technology linked to broader changes are most evident. Less obvious is, social relations and values ??generally associated with agriculture or early industrial society - a high value on male children, for example - and women with equal opportunities for higher education approach in the afternoon or post-industrial overlap, exacerbating gender tensions and accelerate the trend of late marriage, declining birthrates and an aging population and economic development of the typical come.

Despite these tensions are common, powerful, little scholarly attention has instructed phenomenon compression(Laconic 1997 121). To be sure, the recent development of the research that industrialization in East Asia to accelerate the pace of change, but the concepts

It is not just for development; however, it is not just for development, a set of attitudes and institutions in the fight for the inevitable change faster than others, creating disjunctions and contradictions. It is not only for development, a number of attitudes and institutions in the fight for the inevitable change faster than others, creating disjuncture and contradictions, however(Amiable 2005 121). If you shorten the development phase sequencing adequate, practices and systems at an early stage can begin ...
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