Early Childhood Studies

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Early Childhood Studies

Early Childhood Studies


What do we mean by communication? Communication involves at least two members, one of whom says, and another listening. But for a true understanding always has one condition that both parties have used the same "code" to decrypt the thoughts and messages that they transmit and receive in the communication process. This is extremely important in the interaction of parents and professionals often only when we think we understand each other. Both parents and professionals can make a significant contribution to the program of care / support for children with cerebral palsy. When parents and professionals are not well understood each other, it hurts the whole program of aid to the child. That's why it's important to strive for partnership, mutual understanding and respect for the contribution of each party to help the child.


Exchange of Information

When parents are first told that the child has cerebral palsy, they respond very differently. In the following days, weeks and months of their attitude to this is gradually changing, going through different phases. Almost all parents, I know, at some point there is a need for information, and they want to know more, something to clarify for myself, to get answers to many questions. Questions usually relate to the diagnosis, the values ??of the results of medical examinations, and most importantly they want to know what will happen to their child in the future (Bruce, 2004, pp. 56).

Be sure to ask all your questions pediatrician and other specialists and feel free to ask them to explain to you all as long as you do not understand. This is better than to keep their anxiety and concern in itself, or try to learn something from relatives and friends. In order to vanity, not to forget something important, I suggest you write down your questions. Answers to some of them can affect the lives of the entire family. For example, to plan their work, family, or other things you need to know what the prognosis for your child and how much time each day to practice with him. The answers may affect the decision regarding a job or choosing an apartment, its location or redevelopment.

Effective communication between parents and professionals is very important and necessary to achieve understanding and mutual support, and also make effective decisions about the child's educational program. As a team member, you must communicate their views and concerns constructively. Remember: The goal is to provide appropriate education for your child and to plead for him must have the ability to communicate their thoughts, ideas and concerns in a respectful, clear and precise.

It is advisable to emphasize the positive aspects of your child's school experience so you can develop a good relationship with the professionals involved in their education. In expressing what works, rather than spending time and energy reviewing what went wrong, you could become the best advocate for your child. When goals are well defined and clearly stated ...
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