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It is estimated that tobacco causes more than 400,000 deaths each year in United States; however, there has been no comprehensive tobacco control approach used on a federal level. There has been an increase in frustration of the Food and Drug administration in an attempt to regulate tobacco products. Although, many attempts are made to control tobacco at local level, a huge responsibility lies with the federal government to control the tobacco manufacturer, its sale and use. There have been attempts made by the state government such as in California where in 1989; a program was implemented to reduce the use of cigarette through an aggressive education program. There was an increase of $0.25 tax on cigarette to reduce the demand on it.


The habit of smoking is both a psychological habit and a physical addiction where smoking is one of the daily attributes of an individual. The nicotine present in the cigarette smoke leads to a temporary and high addiction. The sudden withdrawal of nicotine will cause the body to crave it and thus, in order to have a successful cessation there is a need to address the habit and addiction by changing one's behavior and deal with nicotine withdrawal symptoms.

There are many challenges that are used in an effort to improve the health status of all people of the United States.It is estimated that around one-fourth of the adult population continues to smoke and subsequently the use of it is increasing in youth since 1990s.Tobacco has been leading cause in preventable illness and death in the country. Thus, there is an increase in the need for reducing the use of tobacco amongst adults and young generation of the country. The key issue of reducing tobacco use is to improve the health of all Americans in the 21stcentury. After analyzing the various social and media reports we have come to the conclusion in understanding how tobacco usage is being controlled in America. It is seen that since 1990s the multinational tobacco companies have been a part of many programs that promote prevention of smoking amongst the young as a part of their corporate social responsibility campaign. These companies also worked in partnerships with non-profit educational and health organizations. There is no proof that these programs were able to reduce smoking amongst youths, however, such programs have portrayed these companies has socially responsible and this has led to less secure control measures in the use of tobacco by the World Health Organization Framework convention. There have been various attempts to minimize the use of cigarette smoking in America which has led to the formulation of global health treaty. This was adopted in 2003 and by 2005 it became an international law. The main proposals of this treaty were to impose restrictions on tobacco advertising, sponsorship and promotion. There has been increase in attempts towards establishing clean indoors and strict legislation to control the smuggling of tobacco. This treaty was adopted, although there were individuals in the lobby who wanted to ...
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