Drug Trafficking Within United States

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Drug Trafficking within United States


In this research we attempt to discover the impression of “Drug Trafficking” in a holistic perspective. The major heart of the study is on “Drug Trafficking” and its relation with “United States of America”. The study also examines several features of “Drug Trafficking” and tries to gauge its effect on “United States of America”. Ultimately the research explains several reasons which are accountable for “Drug trafficking” and strive to illustrate the overall result of “Drug Trafficking” in “United States of America”.

Table of Contents



Specific Claim2

Justification of the Claim2

Method of Data Collection3

Preliminary Findings4


Drug Trafficking within United States


The issues of drug trafficking has increased day by day in the United States. The illegal drug trade has increased substantially as the number of consumers has increased. This illegal business has expanded to every region of the world due to its profitability. It is probably the best way to make quick money; therefore, the more and more people are being attracted towards the manufacturing and distribution of these substances. It is claimed the US drug market comprises some of the most sophisticated, aggressive, and ruthless traffickers in the world. The protection of the borders has become a major concern since a lot of drugs are being brought into the country. The drug market is controlled by large trafficking organizations that have complete control over the drug business. It is estimated that this illegal business generates around $110 billion annually. The lucrative nature of this business has led to the increase in organized crimes and now it is responsible for around 40% of all organized crimes in the country (Nadelmann, 1989).


Annually millions of dollars are spent by the government in attempt to decrease the drug standards arriving within the United States of America. The phrase of 'war on drugs' was coined by Richard Nixon (the President) in the year 1968, for battling the use, and distribution of drugs that are illegal. Nixon, in the year 1972, joined together four agencies of the government that were devoted to fighting drugs for creating the Drug Enforcement Agency. Officially, for example, the U.S. policy has always been directed against production, trafficking and consumption of illicit drugs. In 1970, with the "Controlled Substances Act," a sprawling legal basis created which a tool for law enforcement agencies to combat drug-related crime was. Especially in 1973, on that basis Drug Enforcement Administration established (DEA), a the Department of Justice of the United States under its special law enforcement agency (Bauder, 2008).

U.S. President Richard Nixon in 1972 coined the term " War on Drugs "(the" war on drugs ") in accordance of Lyndon B. Johnson introduced the policy of "War on Poverty" (on the "war on poverty"). Since 1988, the activities of the various organizations involved, ministries and authorities by the newly formed "Office of National Drug Control Policy" coordinated and monitored. The war on drugs was reviewed by Ronald Regan (the President) in the year 1980, and amplified the endeavors of the Drug Enforcement Agency for reducing the drugs ...
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