Drinking And Driving

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Drinking and Driving













Drinking and Driving


Drunk driving is a phenomenon that has taken more lives than thunderstorms, airplane crashes and even a few major illnesses. Unfortunately, it is very common amongst our elder generation as well as our youth. Everyday someone is arrested in your region. One wil be astounded by the figures that relate to the number of offenses related to driving under the influence. Major steps should be taken to ensure that drunk driving ceases to exist. People who drink should be educated about the effects alcohol has on the brain and how reaction times are dulled as consequence. This dulling of the senses is what primarily causes the accidents to begin with.


“Drinking and driving, when combined, can be extremely hazardous. The public should be educated with respect to the harm that can follow with such activities.”


While under the influence of alcohol, an individual that makes the decision to sit behind the steering wheel of his or her vehicle is directly putting their lives, and that of those on the road besides them, in dire jeopardy. This one decision, that is most often taken because the individual is unaware of how intoxicated he actually is, can make the difference between arriving home and not arriving at all. Most individuals do not realize the consequences of their decision and are not at all aware of dulled their senses are and how slow their reactions have become. Driving requires the complete attention of the individual and this is not possible when one is under the influence of alcohol. Many are of the belief that if the fines for driving under the influence are increased, a gradual decline will be seen in the rates of DUI offenses (Hume, 2011). Even though this claim might seem sufficient and effective on paper, it is highly unlikely that it will be enough to curb the drinking and then driving habit of the general population.

There only seems to be one advantage from increasing the amount payable in fines for those that are apprehended while driving under the influence; larger collection. Unfortunately, no form of collection can be acquired from those that have suddenly lost their lives. No financial amount is large enough to bring back an individual who has lost their life while driving under the influence or part of an accident that involves one individual who was DUI. Increasing the amount payable in fines will only increase the state's revenue, it will not curb the number of people who drink and neither will it curb the number of people who drink and drive.

As there seems to be no end to DUIs, many alternatives exist to hiking the amount payable in fines. The best, and most preferred, solution is a hike in education. The general public should be made aware of how exactly alcohol works (Las Cruces Sun News, 2011). Many simply know that the senses are dulled. Only a few actually know how the brain reacts to alcohol and consequently why the ...
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