Draft Plan

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Draft Plan

Draft Plan

This draft plan of subdivision is the blueprint for the new development. The draft plan of subdivision typically maps out different land use is to be located on the site, including any housing, transportation routes and right-of-ways (roads, paths, driveways, sidewalks, transit stops, etc.), green spaces (parks, vegetation, berms), institutional uses, commercial/ retail uses and any other types of buildings, right-of-ways, parking lots, etc. The mission of the Division of Development Services is to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the community by ensuring that all development activities comply with adopted land development regulations, including zoning, design, site plan, and subdivision standards and regulations. This is done through the site plan and subdivision review process.

Site plan and subdivision applications are received by the Intake Division and distributed for technical review. Applications that are processed by the division are listed below and are available online. There are two steps in the application process, which include completeness check and formal applications. Fees may also apply to these applications. Below is a summary of submittal requirements for completeness checks by project type.

Recently, the Board of County Commissioners adopted a Two-Track site plan review process in an effort to expedite review and permitting for Types A, B, and C level site plans. The Two-Track process provides for a Final Design Plan Approval (FDPA) track or a Concept Plan Approval (CPA) track. For a summary of the Two-Track review process, please click here.

Different projects require different levels of review, based on factors including, but not limited to, scale of the project and zoning. For a complete list of the site plan review levels and their associated thresholds, please click here.

A brief summary of the various levels of review:

Limited Partition

To qualify for a Limited Partition Subdivision, one of the threshold categories listed below must apply, and all of the special restrictions listed below must be met.  A Permitted Use Verification (PUV), determined "Eligible" or "Conditional", as well as an approved Natural Features Inventory (NFI), shall be obtained prior to filing an application for Limited Partition.  

Threshold Categories

subdivision of unplatted land on an existing public or private street with legal access into not more than 10 lots, and a maximum of 10 dwelling units, as allowed by density restrictions within the subject zoning district. 

subdivision of existing duplex, triplex, or quadruplex structures certified to comply with applicable zoning and building codes may be allowed with compliance verified by the Building Official. 

division of an existing parcel outside of the Urban Services Area into parcels with a minimum size of 50 acres each in the Rural, Urban Fringe, or Lake Talquin/Urban Fringe zoning district, or a minimum size of 10 acres each in the Rural Community zoning district.  

Special Restrictions

Division shall not require the creation of a new street to provide legal access to any subdivided lot.

Limited to unplatted land located outside the Urban Services Area (USA), on an existing public or private street, with legal ...
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