Doping In Sport

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Doping In Sport

Doping In Sport


The British Medical Association today called for better education about the use of drugs in sport after a study found that doping was widespread in the UK. The BMA said performance-enhancing substances such as anabolic steroids are being taken by body-builders in gyms as well as by elite athletes. Doctors were not fully aware of the extent of the practice and should be trained more to recognise and treat problems, it added. The recommendations come in a new study published today called Drugs in Sport(Magraken, 2013, pp. 23-25): The Pressure to Perform. It aims to highlight the use of anabolic androgenic steroids across all levels of sport and gain an accurate picture of the problem. The study found that in some areas of the UK, one-third of GPs were likely to encounter patients who use doping products. Evidence from needle exchange clinics also revealed that a "significant number" of clients took steroids. The substance, which is taken to help create greater stamina and strength, is a Class C drug and available on prescription only. Obtaining them any other way is illegal. The BMA said it was concerned that steroids were easily available on the Internet and black market with some being of "questionable" quality and safety. In some cases, they have reportedly led to poisoning, infection and even mental illness. Anabolic agents can cause cardiovascular, liver and fertility problems as well as aggression and addiction(Waddington, 2008, pp. 164-169). The report also recommends that: Non-elite and elite athletes are educated about doping. Sportsmen and women should be encouraged to have long-term medical monitoring whether or not they use drugs. Tighter controls are brought in to restrict the supply of drugs such as human growth hormones, which can cause skeletal deformities and enlarged organs if overused. A drugs passport scheme should be introduced containing an athlete's testing record. Participation would be dependent on this. Education and rehabilitation programmes for athletes suspended for doping offences should be brought in. More research is carried out into the motives for drug use among different sections of society to determine the extent of steroid use and the health implications(Murray, 2008, pp. 333-339).

The drugs scandal at the 1998 Tour de France showed that doping was "both widespread and systematically organised" in professional cycling. A 1996 Sports Council survey of British Olympic athletes revealed that nearly half (48%) felt there was a drug problem in their sport while in track and field, the figure was 86%. An Australian government inquiry in 1989 heard that about 70% of its country's athletes who competed internationally had taken drugs. Discussion

The initiative, which was announced last year, comes on the back of UK Anti-Doping's first six months of operation which has already seen a world-first positive test for human growth hormone. In addition the organisation has formed an Athlete Committee, celebrated five years of the “100% me” anti-doping education programme and provided education and support to every member of the GB team ...
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