Corruption In Boxing

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Corruption in the Sports of Boxing

Corruption in the Sports of Boxing


Corruption is an illegal act that occurs when a person abuses his power to turn a profit for himself, his families, or his friends. It requires the participation of two actors: one for his position of power can offer something valuable and one that is willing to pay a "bite" or bribe to get it. Corruption breaks the social structure of the country as it reduces confidence in the institutions, government, and justice system. It also affects the ethical standards of society as a whole. To the extent that corruption is widespread, ethical scruples are lost (McIlvanney, 2001, 78).

The project is about investigative the impact of corruption on the sports of boxing. Notable devastating impact of the corruption has been observed on the sports. Corruption in its massive manifestation directly threatens the security of the state, and its impact on the economy could be very damaging. These actions can be called idle speculation; however, it is now necessary to firmly tackle the speed and performance of the authorities bound by decisions. Corruption occurs where these decisions are made very slowly. Corruption negatively affects economic development has become a commonplace in academic and public discussions. However, much progress has been made in identifying the precise reasons for this impact.

Investments tend to fall and cannot recover if investors become disillusioned with the institutional context of a country. Railroad tracks cannot move; state property loses its value; politicians and bureaucrats may misuse their position once the investments have fallen. In order to obtain necessary permits, investors are forced to offer bribe. The reputation of corrupt governments has difficulties in complying with effective policies and convinces investors of their achievements (Hatmaker, 2004, 78). 


Corruption in sport should be of concern, not pessimism. We're not confronted with a decline of values ??in sport, but a new challenge, which will continue to increase as the answers will have adequate not been made. One can find similarities between corruption in sport and the problem of doping. However, doping is taken seriously for many years, through experts, scientific research and international structures coordination. Nothing like that exists today regarding the problems of corruption in sport.

Sport is an extremely important phenomenon, which plays an important role in the world today. It is however not without contradictions. On the one hand, it large vehicle and humanistic messages permeates the lives and values million people worldwide, and secondly, it is also linked to questionable business practices, doping, corruption and violence.

Sport, especially professional sport, attracts money, and money creates a increasing commercialization. This is a source of contradictory trends. First, it offers the possibility of developing sport, to build new equipment, to broadcast sporting events from billions of viewers and to generate funds to open the sport to children and youth. On the other hand, the commercialization of sport creates an exclusionary effect, with all negative reactions that can lead, as the violence on the part of supporters. It also opens opportunities for corruption, always present when large ...
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