Domestic Violence

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Impact of Domestic Violence in our Society

Impact of Domestic Violence in our Society


Domestic violence is considered as the pattern of abuse that use by one person to maintain control over the other person. Domestic violence is also relates to physical or sexual abuse within the family. According to (Sherman, 1992) Domestic violence occurs without relates to age, sex, religion or gender. It also does not matter of it comes from upper, middle and lower level class. It happens in both same sexes as well as the opposite sex relations that affect other family, friends and co-workers. If a child is grown up in domestic violence environment then he/she considered it a regular way of life.

Unfortunately, domestic violence is prevalent in our society. In U.S, it is estimated that around more than 4 million women become a victim of this violence each year. It is also probably estimated that in each 18 second people become a victim of domestic violence in all around the world. Another study found that approximately 80% of accused abusers were males as compared to 20% of female's offenders (Mirrlees-Black, 1999).

This is seems that three primary characteristics of men who better than their partner; learned behavior, frustration or stress and alcohol. Study claimed that excessive consumption of alcohol is considered as a major contributor of domestic violence. Around 40% country state prisoners victimizing the family members and other 60% of victimizing non family members after consuming alcohol and involved in domestic violence. There are some significant areas of domestic violence that are involved physical, emotional, sexual, psychological and economic abuse.

Thesis Statement

Domestic violence is broadly defined as the form of sexual, physical, emotional, economical and psychological abuse of another person. The author hypothesizes that through educational programs can be helpful to overcome this social problem.

Physical Abuse

It includes anything that causes the physical pain such as slapping, hitting or biting. It also involves forcing partner to use drugs or alcohol. Number of women who suffered from physical abuse usually visits local emergency room for their treatment. Study also finds that women are also facing some serious concern that they do not have an opportunity to describe health worker about physical abuses in the presence of third party (Johnson & Ferraro, 2000). There is also shown of lack by a medical professional during the time of handling, examining a patient and fail to provide patients with the avenues of available resources. Although it is considered that health care trainers show their effort to help the patient at a time when they are vulnerable.

To overcome these issues, important piece of federal legislation has passes that known to be as Violence against Women Act 1994. Aim of this legislation is to protect women from a criminal act and enforced social services for such victims. This act focus on primarily on six major points: safe home for women's, safe streets, equal justice, domestic and stalker violence reduction, strengthens existing laws and protection for battered immigrant ...
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