Domestic Violence

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Domestic Violence


Domestic violence is any action or omission starring the members who comprise the group family, this can be by marriage, blood or affiliation and transformed into aggressors relations between them causing damage to physical, psychological, sexual, economic or social one or several of them. This abuse can be specified as:

Physical acts that threaten or attack the person's body such as pushes, slaps, punches, kicks, etc.

Psychological Attitudes have intended to cause fear, intimidation, and controlling behavior, feelings and thoughts of the person who is being targeted as the insults, insults, control, etc.

Sexual Imposition acts of nature sex against the will of the other person. Such as exposure to unwanted sexual activity, or manipulation through sex.

Economic: Do not cover the person's basic needs and exercise control over resources economic.

Thesis Statement

Children who grew up around domestic violence turn out to be emotionally disturbed


Domestic violence is violence within the couple. It is an evolutionary process in which a partner engages, as part of a privileged relationship, domination expressed through physical aggression, psychological, sexual, economic or spiritual. Domestic violence has serious consequences for victims and for their children. It is well documented that the presence of violence against women in a household or society corresponds with an increased likelihood that children are also victims of violence, either directly or indirectly, through witnessing violence against women. (Berg, 56)

Children under the age of 5 are disproportionately represented among children who witness violence against women, who are most often their mothers. Preschool-aged children exposed to domestic violence are more likely to exhibit the following patterns than their peers: behavior problems, social difficulties, posttraumatic stress syndrome, greater trouble developing empathy, and less-developed verbal skills. In children under 3 years of age who have witnessed or experienced violence, the following problems are more likely to be present: post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms such as hyper-arousal, increased sense of fear, and aggression; increased irritability; sleep disturbances; regressive behaviors; and indicators that the process of autonomy-building is impeded.

Violence in the Home

A supportive environment is important to mitigating stressful times for parents. Violence between domestic partners threatens the abused parent's ability to cope, fundamentally increasing the risk of child maltreatment. The victim of domestic violence is often reluctant to leave the perpetrator, even for the sake of the children involved. If the perpetrator has not harmed the child in the past, the victim may resist the idea that child maltreatment is linked to domestic violence. A victim may believe that staying with the perpetrator is best for both the victim and the child, especially if the perpetrator controls the household's finances. When there is violence in the home, there are frequently other problems, such as substance abuse, mental illness, poverty, and sexual abuse. A combination of stressors can place children at a higher risk for maltreatment.

Family Dynamics

The family dynamics of maltreating families vary by types of maltreatment. In neglectful families, the child may take on the role of the adult. When a child is physically abused in a family that experiences domestic violence regularly, ...
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