Domestic Violence

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Domestic Violence


Domestic Violence is also known as family violence, battering, domestic abuse and intimate partner violence (IPV). It causes an inflicting physical injury to a person by one partner to another partner aggressively and emotionally too. Perpetrators of domestic violence are from all the educational and socioeconomic backgrounds. As this is a crime that has been stated into many forms to intimate a person or animal (pets) or even damaging joint or personal property. The victim of assaulter can be a male or female, but the violence act over women has a greater impact over the U.S. society. The outline of the paper suppresses the torture, torment and annoyance of the majority population of women in the United States as the way they treated is totally against the Department of Justice. The federal, local and the state agencies have been focusing on this issue of domestic violence since (1995). As this term “Intimate Partner Violence” makes a bond between two partners and lead to a long term congruity.Domestic Violence


Domestic Violence is not only taken as violence of threat, but it also involves in dwelling and financial situations. It is a matter of abusiveness and violation including assaults such as shoving, battering, torture, rape, constraining and even sexual abusiveness. Research on such intimate partner violence's has been worked over more than 20 years with an increasing public awareness and forbearing of this social problem which has been increasing day by day from the underage teen to the adult population. The most common physical acts usually seen over normal states population is the women population torture. This leads to a decline in the adult population who are eligible for the marriage bonds. Violence is a crime which usually involves two understandable partners in a relationship (Harne, L., 2008).

In many cases, children suffer living in a relationship with abusive tolerance are in a risk of impairment. Children mostly in the violated families had to face these sorts of risks at a greater level by being involved into sexually abusiveness. As domestic violence is not limited to only obvious physical violence but also mean criminal coercion, unlawful acts (imprisonment), harassments (sexual and fights), kidnapping and stalking (NSW Police Force, 2013).Discussion

As according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary domestic violence is stated as a physical injury by one person or any member to another person or household member who could also be categorized in habitual behaviors. Such as in intimate terrorism it is an element to control someone that is usually a person takes hold over another person emotionally and psychologically. This can also involve serious injuries like violent tendencies. There are many forms in which they can be categorized to further break down and interpret domestic violence in various conditions. As all forms have one purpose to explain this violence is “to hypnotize or maintain control over the victims mind”. (NSW Police Force, 2013)The usual forms in which Domestic Violence can be found

PhysicalPhysical abuse is a form of violence which involves the contact of two persons intended ...
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