Do You Think That It Is Possible To Have Religious Equality In America, Why? Why Not

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Do you think that it is possible to have religious equality in America, Why? Why not

Do you think that it is possible to have religious equality in America, Why? Why not


The United States has not always been a religiously plural country, considering many immigrants assembled their own churches and religions once settled in the US. Regrettably, there has and always will be religious controversy in the United States creating a rigidity toward other cultural heritages. On the contrary, over the past few centuries the acceptance of other culture's religions has forced a revolutionary movement of religious pluralism in the United States.


Religious freedom and equality presents itself primarily as a human right to form a relationship with God according to the dictates of their conscience, without coercion by other persons, namely the right to manifest their religion freely and live in front of any social institution without other limitation that the right public policy.

The feeling in favor of this freedom acquires legal age contours of modern revolutions, as a reaction of intolerance confessional States who regarded religion as a factor of political unity that could not escape their responsibility. Religious freedom is claimed first place in front of the civil authority, the State, public authorities are subject to, first, need to recognize, respect and guarantee the religious freedom of citizens, once admitted that their expertise in religious matters comes down to dictate the rules necessary so that everyone can actually develop this aspect of his personality without being forced by anyone.

Just because history shows that intolerance, persecution and discrimination are the result of instrumental confessional state, when they are to establish the ideas of freedom and equality of citizens; it seems apparent incompatibility of the confessional with these: it is something that lasts long; it will always be a threat to those ideals. For this triumph there, where the republican forms and abolishes the monarchy, it also proclaims the separation between state and religion, meaning by this first of all faiths.

Regardless of the tone more or less radical with which it implements these postulates, it seems clear that a state not linked to any confession can treat everyone equally, without interfering in their religious beliefs or ideas. Freedom can be better ensured if the state considers all religions equally, and does their belief or organization of any of them. Secularism, separatism appear as guarantees of freedom for all without discrimination

So it appears the North American experience, where the right of religious freedom finds its practical guarantee in the First Amendment to the Constitution, which limits the power of government in religious matters: The provision of two clauses that essentially divided the amendment, "when he consecrated the liberal ideal of separation between state and religious confessions, he did not coat it with an anti-religious matrix that led to a strict interpretation of freedom”. A separation in order to equality, equality meant to ensure the same freedoms for all.

In Europe, the secular state and freedom of worship reflect the same in their first ...
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