Equal Employment Opportunity

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Equal Employment Opportunity

Equal Employment Opportunity


Equal opportunity is a requirement that the social status of individuals of a generation no longer depends on moral characteristics, ethnic, religious, and especially financial and social previous generations. It is this vision of equality of opportunity which is one of the foundations of the theory of justice of John Rawls, "assuming there is a distribution of natural assets, those at the same level of talent and capacity and have the same desire to use them should have the same prospects for success, not taking into account their position in the social system.”


Human resource management in today's organizations presents not only a series of challenges, but also a series of opportunities to capitalize on strengths. Think about the original works, human resource, and management. In sum, these terms dictate the people in the organization are resources that must be managed in order to optimize their value. This is the essence of human resource management the people make the place. In Law, Legislation and Liberty (1978), the Austrian philosopher and economist Friedrich Hayek discusses the issue of equal opportunities. He believes that the only acceptable, Equal Opportunities are the equality before the law, possibly supplemented by a provision of the means of education for minors. Ask the State to ensure greater risk would create "a nightmare" by giving him control over our lives, in effect, "step by step, we should get that political power has literally all the elements may affect the well-being of everyone ".

The American economist Milton Friedman's position is close: the expression should not be understood in a common sense he said. It approximates the term used during the French Revolution, "a career open to talents." It is this sense according to equality before the law, the foundation of liberal democracy and ...
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