Diversity In Workplace

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Diversity in Workplace

Diversity in Workplace

Diversity at the workplace can be defined as the understanding values and management which is effective. It also covers the ethnic, socio economic and variety for gender and diversity within the premises of an organization or workplace and links with labor, workforce and customers. Many companies know the significance of addressing the issues of diversity. Some companies tend to develop initiatives of diversities within an organization. Diversity mainly covers the responsibilities related to gender, religious beliefs, cultural back ground and family. Diversity also focus on things in which people has distinct characteristics related to their life experiences, educational background, Socio economic background, personality and marital status. The diversity in workplace covers all these aspects in an organization. Individual spend most of their time on workplaces. Individuals are affected by their colleagues most of the time. The environment of the workplace has a direct connection with our daily life.

Major components of Diversity


The strategies of diversity in a workplace help to build relation with the community which also contributes in enhancement and contribution of employees and improvement of quality and products. Gender is the important component of diversity. It plays a vital role while working at a work place where male and females are not working in an equal ratio. Woman may not feel appropriate when there is a majority of man at workplace.


Diversity helps to focus on the management of people and their performances. It is the essential element in leadership techniques and development of leadership. It is also reinforced through performance feedback and assessment. Age is also the significant component of diversity. Many organizations tend to hire young adults because young professionals are confident, dedicated and keen to learn new technological skills.


The processing style is the way in which individuals think, listen, response and accept information. It may differ from place to place and varies with age and gender. There are three major processing styles such as seers (visual), hearers (auditory), and feelers.

Seers focus on the things which are related to reading and taking information visually. Hearers usually take information via phones and in auditory form. Feelers are those who want to meet and discuss the matters. They may be tending to see the face and feel the presence. Culture of each individual is not necessarily the same. Employees have to adjust with others of distinct cultures.


This factor also influences diversity. This is the power individuals use to make needs, wants and desires which are known to others. Assertiveness and aggressiveness are not similar things as aggressiveness shows the dominant power over others. The assertiveness can be shown by people in various ways such by using volume tune, gestures, physical size and posture. The person is not called as assertive when he looks at the ground and talk in a soft voice. On the other hand, if the individual look into eyes of others while speaking, speaks loud and confident then, person is assertive. There is also an assertiveness scale which can categorize the person as a ...
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