Diversity In America

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Diversity in America


Nowadays, the number of Latin American immigrants in the inner America boroughs constantly grows. Naturally, as they arrive from different countries they have different socio-cultural background and even those Latin Americans, who have already got certain experience and have been living in the USA for some period of time, are, as a rule, the first or second generation of immigrants. Consequently, they sustained a close links with their motherland and often face certain problems with integration in American society.

Diversity in America


Nowadays, the number of Latin American immigrants in the inner America boroughs constantly grows. Naturally, as they arrive from different countries they have different socio-cultural background and even those Latin Americans, who have already got certain experience and have been living in the USA for some period of time, are, as a rule, the first or second generation of immigrants. Consequently, they sustained a close links with their motherland and often face certain problems with integration in American society.

Obviously this problem is extremely serious and needs to be thoroughly researched in order to find a possible solution which could be effective enough and permitted to overcome the existing socio-cultural barriers that exist in the life of thousands of Latin American immigrants in the inner America boroughs. In this respect, it is worthy of mention that the assistance of occupational therapist is often essential, especially in serious cases when Latin American immigrants simply turn to be in isolation from the rest of American society and cannot fully realize their skills and abilities and find their own place in life. Among the recent trends of treatment of Latin American immigrants who have such serious problems may be named the use of interpreters by occupational therapist which can really help close the socio-cultural gap between Latin American immigrants and occupational therapists as well as American society at large. It is extremely important because this aspect of the problem of overcoming multicultural barriers by Latin American immigrants remains merely researched.


In fact, the research of the perspective of the use of interpreters by occupational therapists as an effective tool, which can really help overcome multicultural barriers of Latin American immigrants in the inner America boroughs in the USA, is really important and necessary. Basically, there are several reasons that can explain such a significance of the research of this area.

First of all, it should be said that many Latin American immigrants face serious problems and need a professional treatment from the part of occupational therapists. In this respect, it should be pointed out that the number of Latin American immigrants in the inner America boroughs as well as in the USA constantly grows and this growth is quite fast since within a decade from 1990 to early 2000s, the number of Latin American immigrants has grown substantially.

However, the lack of mutual understanding and simply miscomprehension of needs, motivations, behaviour, values, culture in general, make the help of occupational therapist of low efficiency, thus depriving many Latin American immigrants from effective ...
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