Diversity & Equality

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Leading Organisational Equality and Diversity

[Writer's Institute]

Table of contents



Legal requirements for Equality at Tesco4

Equality legislation:4

Implication of guidance and codes relating to equality and diversity in the retail industry5

Analysis of implications of equality and diversity for Tesco6

An analysis of policies and procedures that are needed to promote equality and diversity7

An analysis of the needs and expectations of stakeholders8

Task 29

How to address equality and diversity issue9

Ways to gain commitment to equality and diversity11

Methods of communicating policies and procedures to all the stakeholders11

Reaching out to diverse stakeholder groups12

Methods used to review and monitor equality and diversity13



Leading Organisational Equality and Diversity


Globalisation has made it mandatory for the companies to diversify their human resources base. It has become necessary for every organization to choose people from different backgrounds in order to communicate its value to audience in different countries (Dickie & Zhanna 2011, p. 5). All the organizations in developed countries are pressurized to create an environment that empowers people from different backgrounds regardless of their race, culture, colour and gender; an environment that cherishes and rewards trustworthy people. There is a legal framework designed to address equality and diversity issues at an organization. The companies have to follow the code of conduct in order to sustain its operations in the market as an Equal Opportunity Employer. The company selected for analysis is Tesco PLC, a UK based retail stores chain that has its operations spread all over the world. The report will analyze the level of compliance to the legal framework for equality and diversity that Tesco has managed to attain.


Keeping in mind, the changing demographic patterns in the United Kingdom (UK), it has become necessary for the companies to change their policies in order to adjust the diversified labour at workplace (Kirton & Greene 2005, p. 4). The WERS survey shows that approximately 74% of organizations in the UK are committed to the Equal Employment Opportunity philosophy and have a written code of conduct in one form or another. Tesco, in this regard, has employed all means to follow the procedure outlined by the government to promote equal opportunity at workplace

Legal requirements for Equality at Tesco

Tesco not only has stores in the Europe but in the North American continent and Asian countries. In order to serve its huge customer base across the world it has to be known as an employer that does not get involved in discriminatory practices (Humby 2008, p. 3). In UK, it was observed that most of the companies award more compensation for the same kind of work to the male employees than their female employees. In addition to the previous laws, the UK government would introduce Equality Act in October 2010 to establish new provisions for the companies to act upon. The newly enacted act would comprise all the necessary actions that need to be taken in order to address issues like age, ethnicity, gender and other personality orientations of the employees (Equality Act 2010 2010).

Equality legislation:

Tesco has to comply with all the legal requirements that have ...
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