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Managing People in Organizations

Assignment Title: Diversity of nationalities at organizations in Saudi Arabia3

People management issue3

Specified Element of the Module5

Why is this issue a significant one?5

Theoretical concepts and/or management tools7

Conclusion and Recommendation12

An outline structure plan13


Assignment Title: Diversity of nationalities at organizations in Saudi Arabia

People management issue

The issue of effectively managing diversity and equality in organizations has never been as important as it is today. The topic has gained significant importance from last two decades. One major reason for the increased importance of managing diversity is because the acts and laws introduced by courts make it mandatory for organizations to plan and implement a code of conduct that restrict any kind of discrimination with workplace. The issue of managing diversity is highly interrelated with the concept of inequality based on gender, ethnicity, religion, maternity, race or any other personal characteristics. Therefore, it becomes extremely important for organizations to strictly follow the rules and regulations of managing people in order to protect themselves from any potential legal actions.

Saudi Arabia is a country that is highly dominated by males. Females have fewer rights as compared to males. It is one of the reasons why managing diversity and inequalities become extremely important in the region. The organizations of Saudi Arabia have employed people from around the globe that have required qualifications, experience and right set of skills. It is important for these organizations to have strategies of managing diversity of nationalities.

The issue that would be highlighted in this assignment is the diversity of nationalities at organizations of Saudi Arabia. The culture of Saudi Arabia is quite different for other countries. According to Janardhan (2003), the organizations of Saudi Arabia employ approximately 7.5 million workers who are foreigners. These foreigners working in Saudi Arabian organizations contribute to 40% of the total indigenous population. The attitude and behaviour of employees from various locations differ from one another. The organizations around the globe need to look for ways that can enable effective management of people when they globalize and hire people from other countries. As a result of social movements, population trends, political events and immigration, organizations in most of the countries are facing the issue of diversity (Francesco, 2008, pp.193).

Managing people is important for every kind of organization around the globe. There are many problems that an organization might face in recruiting and maintaining an effective and efficient workforce. The performance of employees and workers is directly related with the overall performance of an organization. Effectiveness in managing people would ultimately result in increased productivity by reducing the costs and maximizing the quality of services. Employees can be a source of achieving competitive advantage over competitors (Jackson, Schuler, and Werner, 2011, pp.11).

One of the most important issues of people management includes diversity. Diversity at organization can be described as the differences among employees and workers with regards to religion, work, gender, ethnicity, race, mental and physical ability, weight and appearance, family status and other personal based attributes that affect their relationships and interactions ...
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