The main focus of this paper is to get an insight of workplace diversity. Managing diversity is about planning and implementation of organizational practices and systems for the management of people so that the possible benefits of diversity are maximized whereas its potential shortcomings are minimized. Recognition of the value of individual differences in the workplace are involved in managing workplace diversity for the realization of full potential of all employees and thus help out the organization in achieving its goals. A more supportive and inclusive work environment is created by workplace diversity along with better team work and more effective service delivery. Workplace diversity enhances productivity, promotes greater creativity and diverse means of thinking for enhanced decision making. Managing diversity is not is about creating such working atmosphere wherein all employees can collaborate effectively, regardless of their differences.
Workplace Diversity
Thesis Statement: Diversity management is a process aimed to build and sustain a positive work environment where both the differences and similarities of individuals are valued, in order that all can attain their potentiality and make the most of their contributions to strategic objectives and goals of an organization. The range of differences among workforce in an organization is referred to as workplace diversity. Race, ethnic group, gender, personality, age, cognitive style, tenure, education, organizational function and background are all encompassed by diversity. Diversity regards not only how people perceive themselves but also how other people are perceived by themselves. Their interactions are affected by those perceptions. For an extensive range of employees to perform their work as an organization efficiently, such issues like adaptability, communication, and change are needed to be handled by human resource professionals effectively. Managing diversity is not about getting employees to like one another; instead, it is about creating an atmosphere in which all employees can work together corporately and effectively, despite their differences.
It has been suggested by research that within a workgroup, diversity with respect to demographic backgrounds of members can have a powerful impact on on both turnover from the group and on the performance of group on cognitive tasks. (Pelled L. H., 1996) It is found by Patrick (2010) that diversity establishes not only the impacts of the diversity in an organization but the openness level to dissimilarity traits between the culture, work groups, and members, of an organization. Regardless of the technological wonderments of nowadays' communication, international relations entail us to cope with one another on the basis of person-to-person. For this to be effectual, one has to get over stereotype and language barriers. This may involve the mental removal of terms for instance, alien and consider the individual as having a different background (Moran et. al., 2011). Within an organization, managing diversity can contribute to more satisfied, better committed and performing employees. It is argued by value in diversity perspective that relative to a homogenous one, a diverse workforce is generally beneficial for business. (Herring C., 2009) This paper is intended to analyze workplace ...