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Diversity at Workplace

Diversity at Workplace


Organization, most significantly the players of the big multinational companies who have to cope up with these things and changes, are progressively encouraged to respond. Employee's who are in a consistent and synchronized group in several countries are increasingly different and requires to be incorporated into and within working environments. Diversity can offer enormous sources of chances and opportunities but it can also be the source of a big threat. This paper demonstrates the advantages of diversity at workplace and justification about the diversity to be brought in an organization at management level.


Diversity is not only about ethnicity and race; it also includes religion, age, sexual orientation, and gender. For majority of the businesses, workforce diversity is of major concern. In recent day, organizations have to identify, deal and control workforce diversity efficiently and effectively. Several articles and researches have been done considering the same issue but they all lack with particular and main definition of the workforce diversity. The foremost intent of this research paper is to analyze and reassess the workforce diversity's literature.

Managerial approach in managing diversity in reaction to these ways and can facilitate companies and organizations to manage and control their personnel diversity efficiently and effectively i.e. personnel originated of multifaceted and diverse people.

Advantages of Diversity at Workplace

Some of the positive influences of diversity in the workplace are: increase in the productivity, creativity, new attitudes, modern language skills, global understanding of cultural concerns, innovative processes and modern solutions to the intensive issues and the problems.

Increase in creativity

A person from diverse background brings new and innovative ideas, different ways of solving different issues within the organization. Yet there is no best solution of the issues but the more people bring more ideas and the people from different backgrounds and diverse cultures, than a solution can be more reliable. Other cultures can present more alternatives which the others may not have considered. Here the importance of workforce diversity is considered as the integral part.

Increase in Productivity

Increase in productivity has shown the major difference in the organizations having diverse work force. When individuals from all culture are pulled together for achieving a common objective, they intend to put all their efforts and individual skills at their own end and result in the positive and increased productivity and performance. E.g. executives from the other parts of the world are extremely successful in corporate world of America just because of internationalization and globalization. (Ongori & Agolla, 2007. p.73)

New Attitudes

People from diverse culture bring in new attitudes. For example Americans may need to concentrate on accepting the point of view of other cultures holds about time. If our culture suppose that “Time is money” and to get to the bottom line is main objective in business. Even though in most of the parts of the world time is regarded as building relationships and an important element of knowing the other party.

Improved processes

Improvement in processes results when the people with diverse ideas come closer and contribute towards adopting ...
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