Distractions Caused By Social Media

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Distractions Caused by Social Media

Distractions Caused by Social Media

Assignment 2

Technology has evolved in leaps and bounds and influences the lives of everyone today. While there are numerous benefits that technology has offered to humans, their drawbacks are also equally important to contemplate. Technology such as the creation of virtual social networks has certainly become more and more intrusive and, as a result, humans have started depending on them (Wankel & Wankel, 2011). It is true social media has revolutionized the way humans interact with each other. They help us to communicate with our former friends and family members with whom we have lost contact. However, as the younger generation slowly becomes addicted to this trend, they are distracted in the classroom and this affects their studies.

I know about the drawbacks of using social media because it has personally affected me. During the years when I was in high school, the popularity of social networking websites like Facebook and Twitter literally spread like an epidemic (Wankel & Wankel, 2011). For all the students in my class, the thought of maintaining their own virtual profile and socializing with their friends and family from all around the world was exciting and appealing. As a result, they quickly became addicted to social media and even used it in the classroom on their handheld devices. The grades of the students along with my own slipped significantly in that semester and it took me little time to realize that my addiction to social media was the main reason for my poor academic performance (Wankel & Wankel, 2011).

While I quickly resolved to limit my usage of social media, most of the other students did not learn their lesson on time and this proved devastating for them. For instance, the person who usually came first in the class performed ...
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