Distance Learning Is As Effective As Traditional Classroom Methods

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Distance Learning Is As Effective As Traditional Classroom Methods

Distance Learning Is As Effective As Traditional Classroom Methods


The paper aims to emphasize and reveals that the distance is as effective as traditional classroom methods. Internet has improved thought processes and also shifted attention away from traditional learning activities and methods. The popularization of online education brings about considerable opportunities to ensure high-speed, efficient and ubiquitously accessible instruction and content for a wide variety of students in a wide variety of fields (Benson, 2002). The increasing popularity of online education also creates considerable issues for educational institutions. It is important to note that currently, the vast majority of schools and related organizations have been developed and maintain their capability to provide education and learning within the context of the traditional setting, i.e., the physical classroom. Online users must themselves choose appropriate materials for them on the Internet (Carr, 2000).

The arguments in defense of distance education in United States are based on a series of errors of judgment or ignorance of why the reality as it is. A constant in supporting the DE is a need for teachers in the country, especially for high school teachers and the grades of elementary school. The premise is correct: indeed, missing teachers in classrooms, especially in public schools, and those who works are overwhelmed (Duchastel, 1994). Distance education has the same content as the stationary training: it is five semesters long, including an internship semester cadet at a police department.

Another question that arises on the DL with a view their range of technological tools is related to its pedagogical quality. Ndume et al, 2008 states that although the technology is capable to integrate various media (such as text and images) that alone does not guarantee quality education, there view that it is necessary for human involvement that may occur interaction among individuals involved with education. The program is web-based, and through a special program for distance education named Ping Pong, partly by including video conferencing. An individual has access to the learning center on some study areas. They have computers and other technology and can function as a meeting place for students. The class is divided into study groups based on students' geographic location in order to facilitate implementation of such group work (Hall, 2012).

Thesis Statement

The aspects of distance learning have brought both the bright and the dark side for student.


One of the most notable uses of the Internet and related information and communication technologies is in formal education and learning. It should be noted that the Internet is primarily a result of the interconnections among different information systems and networks. Development of new technologies, the increasing willingness of people to invest in their own education, but perhaps somewhat hectic time, work-related caused that offer programs and courses in our universities increasingly find the opportunity to study in the distance form (Clark, 2002). Distance learning is often wrongly confused with the form combined. It is probably due to the fact that the word ...
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