Disputes In A Unionized Workplace

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Disputes in a unionized workplace

Disputes in a unionized workplace


It is an understandable issue and recognized by all types of unions and management across organizations worldwide that an employee's dissatisfaction can become a serious problem either expressed or not within an organization. In this regard, a hidden or unexpressed complain by an employee can lead to the chain of reactions and certain concerns that could prove to be a issue for over all organization. Therefore, every organization must pay attention to these issues and resolve complains as complain are the indicators of dissatisfaction, which couldn't be recorded or resolved in a written format unless practically resolved or worked out. In context of discipline, a professional and positive approach might provide solution of complex problems.


In the given situation, if jack writes a complaint regarding the issue of being mistreated at work and not helped or listened by the immediate supervisors then he has got all the rights to write a complaint regarding these events in a written format to union in order to take action against it. This complaint is known as grievance. The management of the company must be aware of the problems faced by employees at work, and this could be done via writing a formal complaint and forwarding it to the concerned department. It is considered as an important communication tool within organization via which serious troubles and potential issues can be resolved appropriately.

HR unit and line managers both are responsible for dealing with the grievances filed by employees. However, the HR department is more liable for handling such issues. It is strictly non-desirable attitude of line managers to stop any of the employees against raising their voice in case of any dissatisfaction and problem experienced. Every employee has a right as per general code of conducts to ...
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