Discussion & Writing Assignment

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Discussion & Writing Assignment

Discussion & Writing Assignment


Quasimoto is one of the greatest companies of United States. An organization, Quasimoto enterprises, has been approached by a well known and famous Chinese company. A Chinese firm needs selling rights and exclusive production for one of its innovative and advanced products. In this situation, a Chinese firm has been searching for a strategic partner for the manufacturing of the products at extremely reduced costs. In this situation, Quasimoto Enterprises showed concern in discovering the possibility of establishing relationships with the Chinese company. In the same situation, both companies are finding hesitation in building relationship with each other. It is due to reason that, both companies have not the previous experience of doing business with each other. In this situation, it is essential for Quasimoto Enterprise to recognize the bargaining behaviors of china (Monshipouri, 2003).

Moreover, it is also essential for the Chinese Enterprise to realize American bargaining behaviors. Moreover, it is also essential for both companies to resolve their conflicts and concerns by proper negotiation. Therefore, conflict resolution and negotiation plan may play a vital role, in this regard. It is also very important to understand the similarities between their bargaining behaviors. The paper also incorporates the idea that can they have win to win deal or not. Ethical or legal issues that are faced by MNCs are also included in the proceeding discussion. The study incorporates all these information regarding the business operations of Quasimoto Enterprise and Chinese firm (O'Fallon, 2005).

What are the Similarities between the Bargaining Behaviors of Quasimoto Enterprise and Chinese Firm?

Bargaining is a kind of negotiation in which seller and buyer of service or good quarrel the price which will be rewarded and ultimately appeared as an agreement. Bargaining is considered as an alternative strategy of pricing to fix pricing. There are few similarities between the bargaining behaviors of Chinese firm and Quasimoto Enterprise. Both the companies incorporate result oriented, urgent, legalistic, explicit, flexible and strong bargaining behaviors. It is a fact that, these bargaining behaviors certainly vary according to different circumstances and personalities, but the bargaining behaviors of both companies are clear and powerful to some extent. The bargaining behaviors of Quasimoto enterprise and Chinese firm are shaped by several characteristics including cultural factors and continuing and powerful business structure. Furthermore, this bargaining behavior may greatly affect the business operations of both the companies (Ma, 2002).

Can both Organizations have a win-win deal?

After considering the bargaining behaviors of the companies, Quasimoto Enterprise and Chinese firm, it can be concluded that both the organizations can have a win-win deal. It is due to reason that the strategies of both the organizations include flexibility and strong decisions. This may greatly help organizations in solving various issues while ensuring win-win outcomes (Monshipouri, 2003).

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