Discussion Paper # 2

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Discussion Paper # 2

Discussion Paper # 2

Michael Maffett

This book by Bernard Lewis puts lights on the Holy and unholy war, and analyze the evolution of anti-western sentiments with terrorist group. This book focuses on the teaching regard the Holy book of Muslims and puts lights on the verses from Muslim's Holy book regarding War. Many prominent terrorist organizations cite religious fundamentalist ideology in defending their violent actions. They believe that they are fighting a "holy war" against evil forces. Some experts say that religious terrorists pose a unique danger because they believe that their actions are just, holy and worth dying for. Unlike terrorist groups such as the Provisional Irish Republican Army that seek support for specific political agendas, experts say religious terrorists seek only the approval of God. Extremist fringe groups of many religions use ideology to back terrorist attacks. Federal officials say recent domestic terrorist attacks, including the the January 1997 bombing of an abortion clinic in Atlanta, Ga. and the July 1996 bombing during the Summer Olympic Games in Atlanta, Ga., were committed by people who held extreme Christian religious views. Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, who had led efforts to broker a peace agreement between Jews and Palestinians in the early 1990s, was assassinated in November 1995 by Yigal Amir, who was motivated by his Jewish fundamentalist beliefs.

Experts say Islamic fundamentalist terrorists in the Middle East pose an especially dangerous threat to the U.S. Many of the groups believe that the U.S. is at war with Islam. They blame the U.S. for backing Israel and for introducing modern secular and Christian traditions to the Middle East. Part of the problem, experts say, is that religion is intertwined with government in that region. Islamic extremists, therefore, see an attack on an Arab state as an attack on their religion.

Barbara Giuliano DiFabio

Barbara Giuliano DiFabio feedbacks were regarding the concept of Hijab in Islam. The burqa is an outer garment, worn by Muslim women, that covers the entire body and face, with a mesh screen or small slit for them to see through. In 2010, both France and Belgium banned residents from wearing the burqa in public, and several other European countries seem poised to follow suit. Even countries which have predominantly Muslim populations, such as Egypt and Syria, have restricted when and where women may wear the burqa.

To supporters of such legislation, the burqa is oppressive to women and runs against the secularism long prized by many Western democracies. To critics of banning the burqa, the garment is a mark of Muslim piety, which should be tolerated in countries that respect religious freedom.

The burqa is clearly divisive in Western European countries such as France. But it is also divisive among Muslims. Many Muslims believe wearing the burqa was mandated by the prophet Muhammad, and that burqas should be worn by the truly faithful. Others, however, believe the burqa is not Islamic at all, but rather part of a pre-Islamic Bedouin tradition passed down through Arab ...
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