Discipline & Management

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Discipline and Management


This essay is aimed a comparing “discipline” and “management” along with “behavior” and “misbehavior”. Discipline can be defined as an “act of training a person to obey certain rules or a behavior at the same time giving punishment to ensure obedience” (Oxford dictionary, 2012). On the other hand, management is defined as the “process of dealing or controlling things or people” (Merriam Webster, 2012). The purpose of this paper is to draw a distinction between behavior and misbehavior; along with the concepts of management and discipline. The attributes associated with the terms would be discussed with respect to their application in today's globalized world and inferences would be drawn.


Both behavior and misbehavior are inter-related and occur in a response to a stimuli or cause. The stimulus could be from the environment, person, group of people, colleague etc. The presence of a cause or requirement of a response is a pre-requisite for both behavior and misbehavior. Both concepts are related to each other. Misbehavior can be controlled by negative reinforcement i.e. punishment, but many experts believe it only subdues the behavior for the time being. It is also believed that the feelings could build up in the consciousness of the person and erupt at a certain point. Determination of the causes of misbehavior or the observable behavior of a person is not an easy task. Several environmental and personal factors should be kept in mind i.e. situation, mental state, weather etc. In an attempt to amend behaviors, focus should be centered on inducing desired behavior rather than attempting to subdue the undesired behavior. Elements of discipline should be inculcated in children to induce positive desired behaviors in the future (Yeaman, 2002).

The world has globalized and time is vital to success in the different spheres of life. ...
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