Disaster Management

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Floods and their impact on infrastructure

Floods and their impact on infrastructure


Floods are a type of natural disaster which has a devastating effect on humans and their belongings; it causes the loss of lives, in addition to loss of property and other kinds of losses which, in many cases cannot be overcome. There is a marked difference in areas with regard to flooding; there are certain areas in the world which are prone to natural disasters such as floods, while there are some areas which are less prone to flooding, simply because they do not have a water body near to them. A city which is close to a water body, such as a river, is prone to flooding as opposed to a city or town which does not have a water body in close proximity.

This paper will look to identify the infrastructure which is adversely affected as a result of flooding in a certain area, in addition to the risks associated with flooding and flood mitigation strategies which can be adopted in order to successfully deal with the challenges posed by this great natural disaster.


Floods have an adverse affect on the infrastructure of a city or town, and it has a devastating effect on the overall infrastructure, such as buildings, bridges, roads and houses, which will be analysed through the course of this paper. In addition, it will also shed light on the flood mitigation strategies adopted to deal with flooding for each type of infrastructure discussed.


Risks of flooding

Bridges are a type of infrastructure which is one of the worst affected as a result of flooding, especially those bridges which are constructed over a water body and are used to connect the ground on two different sides and are located over a body of water. In case of a flood, bridges have been known to have been taken away by the strength of the water, thus it is imperative that bridges are constructed in such a way that they are able to withstand the impact of a major flood, even in an area which is known to experience floods on a regular basis.

Flood mitigation strategies

Structural Such measures are aimed at optimizing the physical stability of the establishment. The following proposals have to fit and are mainly construction technology employed: • Build adequate storm drainage peripheral. • Build, in critical areas, defence elements (energy dissipaters, rip rap embankments, slope stabilization anchors, etc.). • Strengthen the structures (foundations, columns, and bearing walls) of the areas identified as vulnerable. • Waterproof structures as required.


• Have alternative systems to provide emergency power (either plants or laptops), located in safe areas, with the fuel required to run for 48 hours, taking into account the ability of that system should be to supply alternative 33% of hospital services that should have staying power. • Implement peripheral protecting the engine room through a wall to prevent the entry of water at the same or at least, the team ...
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