Disability And Social Work

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Disability and Social Work

Disability and Social Work

Disability and Social Work


It is human nature that anything that is different or exceptional gains immediate attention. This interest might be in the form of sympathy, disgust or just looking down upon someone. Same is the case with disabled individuals—they are different from the rest lot and hence are always the centre of attention and all the other are always taking notice of them; making them uncomfortable at times and making them feel all loved, at others.

According to DDA (Disability Discrimination Act), a person would be declared to be disabled if:

• They have a physical or mental impairment.

• The impairment has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on their ability to perform normal routine activities.

The definition also provides an explanation of disability, i.e. Mental and Physical. Physical disability is defined as an inability to perform routine function due to some serious injury or impairment, whereas mental disability is defined as impairment in an individual's emotional, cognitive or behavioral functioning. Mental disability might be caused due to any social, sociological or other factors, such as head trauma or infection.

People often view physically disabled individuals as useless piece of the society who is unable to perform normal functions of life. For mental disability, there are various confusions present. At times, people take mental weaknesses and learning problems as mental retardation, which is artificial conception.

Section One:

Role of social worker in supporting disabled individuals:

It is a well established fact that individuals who are different and special need more care and attention, as they lack the normal capabilities, and at times, find it difficult to comprehend things that might be routine for others. Due to their distinct needs and demands these people need social and moral support that has to be provided by colleagues and surrounding people.

The need for social worker arises because layman might not be able to understand the needs of such special individuals and thus cannot respond to them properly. Due to the weak nature of these individuals they generally remain indoors, and do not come out to work or earn a living as others do. The social worker can help them find ideal working conditions and sometimes in getting some reliefs. For example, the social worker might help them in getting little relaxed working hours, provision of the ramp and permission to use the wheelchair. They might also be helped in getting desk work and other assignments that do not require handwork and physical efforts.

For individuals with psychiatric disabilities, social workers can help them find a job that does not coincide directly with their disability, also in getting suitable residential placements.

Section Two:

Historical perspective:

History shows that a number of individuals with learning disabilities have existed, and some have also made a number of contributions to the world. Some of these names need no explanation, including Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Charles Dickens, Leonardo Da Vinci, Pablo Picasso, etc. at that time, there was less acceptance and flexibility present for treatment of these individuals and thins were not ...
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