Digital Media And Its Consumption

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Digital Media and its Consumption

Digital Media and its Consumption


In my view, the new and changed new media technologies have been created by the producers than ever before in this digital age, the making of these new media technology products let audiences to take more advantage from them because of the accessibility. Moreover, the digital media have enhanced the way audiences consume products because of its easy access and availability, therefore, it my view, it is beneficial for the audiences. In this context, the new technology in media which include high definition, smart TV and on demand services has allowed audiences to consume and look at new media technologies in a constructive way as it will enhance the life style of the audiences.


The use of digital media has increased because it generates beneficial effects on the audience. The key reason of consuming new media technologies by audience is a valuable source of information. The enhancement in the digital media has allowed people to consume and access information in several different ways. Social networking websites which include Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook have turn out to be unexpected information source because of the total amount of people spreading and sharing the news. However, it is important to note that it is also advantageous for people who have limited and access as they live in restricted areas. In addition to this, the reach of this digital media has allowed people to use new media technologies as an important information source (Messaris and Humphreys, 2006, 219-337). This change because of the digital media was effective in using social media to spread information which makes marches and protests effective for the purpose of the campaign.

Another important factor that benefit audience while consuming media products is that these products caters the needs of audiences on individual level as it offers people a form of identity. The changes in digital media allow audience to personalize their own spaces and to be creative which let them in creating the individual online identity which is beneficial for audiences. In this context, particularly websites like Tumblr do this because people are permitted to personalize their pictures and personal information; this helps to alter their identity for the outside world. In addition to this, it also permit audiences to benefit from picking their own pictures to present to the world where audiences can present themselves in the best possible way, which could be seen as a dynamic self-construction (Ess, 2013, 252-280). Moreover, the narcissistic personality allow audiences to filter the information people need or want to see with the intention that it can serve as advantage for audiences, people only follow particular blogs on Tumblr as they belong to their interest and people do not go through other blogs, for the reason, that there is no necessity.

The use of digital media in the age of technological advancement is beneficial for audiences who like digital media which presents strong entertainment values. Because of the change in the digital media, the ways of entraining the ...
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