It Strategy For Gamelabuk

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IT Strategy for GamelabUK

IT Strategy for GamelabUK


As consumers continue to enhance and replace traditional media consumption with digital experiences, established media and entertainment companies - such as newspapers, broadcasters, music labels and movie studios - face both a potential revenue challenge and an opportunity. As a growing share of consumer value shifts to new industry entrants, long-time leaders in many media and entertainment (M&E) market segments must find a way to replace declining traditional revenue with equivalent value from digital media. To capitalize on new revenue opportunities, GamelabUK should focus on enhancing the consumer experience, embracing new distribution platforms and expanding revenue models.

IT Strategy for GamelabUK

Consumers of all ages are trading printed books for e-readers, traditional television sets for Internet-connected TVs and mobile phones for smart phones. They are adding new device categories - like tablets - to their portfolio of electronics, and they are using established devices like game consoles to access more types of content. While these new devices present opportunities to further engage consumers, they also trigger disruption in the established M&E ecosystem as new entrants compete for consumer loyalty.

Three key drivers are underscoring this reality:

Value shifts. The balance of power has shifted, as device manufacturers and distributors/aggregators continue to innovate and deliver superior experiences for the consumer, capturing greater revenue share.

Substitution. Once merely a threat, the mainstream adoption of digital devices and content across all age groups continues to drive fragmentation and declines in traditional media consumption.

Weaker digital revenue models. Current digital revenue models tend to be weaker than traditional revenue models, whether due to lower unit value, lower inventory or the move toward à la carte offerings. Consumers have been trained to expect “free to them” content delivery and companies now struggle to gain acceptance for consumer paid models.

In addition, GamelabUK face competition from aggregators, device manufacturers and other new entrants - all vying for consumer mind and wallet share. Today's GamelabUK must determine how they can overcome these challenges to reclaim revenue. To tackle these issues and chart a course toward growth and prosperity M&E businesses should look beyond content, and concentrate on three key principles: Focus on the experience. Media companies need to “rethink” their business models and seek innovative ways to enhance the consumer experience and connect with consumers. Embrace new distribution platforms. Media companies can leverage connected platforms to engage consumers in an ongoing relationship while optimizing value across distribution channels. But it's now time to think strategically about how to optimize across distribution platforms. Expand revenue models. New marketing, consumer-paid and packaged revenue models must be flexible and tailored, offering relevancy, choice, integration and packaging options for consumers. To successfully address the revenue challenge by delivering a better consumer experience, GamelabUK will require the capabilities to build analytics and insights, develop consumer-centric models and enable multiplatform delivery Box 1. Consumption of digital content is now mainstream among younger segments, and older audiences are catching up rapidly. This move to digital has created challenges for GamelabUK, primarily ...