Different Decision Making Styles Promote Strategic Planning Process

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Different Decision Making Styles Promote Strategic Planning Process

Different Decision Making Styles Promote Strategic Planning Process


The paper aims to explore the different styles of the decision making and their contribution in the strategic planning process of the organizations. The paper has indicated that the people have different approaches to the thinking patterns which cause them to have the different decision making styles. However, each one of the different types of decision making styles has the contribution in the strategic success of the organization only the approaches are different but the end product of all approaches are same. Moreover, the process of decision making itself has the greatest role in the success of the organization for the longer time as every decision which the manager make is for the benefits of the organization. However, in this concern, the study has highlighted some decision making styles which are common used by the managers when carrying out their day to day activities or for the long term planning of the organization. The some of the decision making styles include the directive style where in the decision makers do not bother to search out the extensive information rather in this style they tend to rely over their capabilities in making the prompt decisions. This type of style is usually followed for the less critical decision or for the everyday operational decisions which also do not demand the vast efforts to select amongst the alternatives. The other styles include the analytic, behavioral, intuitive, and integrative. The paper has also indicated that all of the different styles have the contribution in the success of the organization either through the day to day decisions or through the longer term decisions.


The paper intends to explain the role of decision making styles in promoting the strategic planning process. Different people have different approaches to decision making but each one of them have the objective to accomplish their strategic business goals efficiently. The different styles of decision making represent the individualized way of thinking such as some people are rational in their approaches and some tends to be logical in the way they process information. Therefore, it is believed that the capability of making the right and thoughtful decision by analyzing the right amount of information thoroughly can impact the strategic planning process and help the organizations to achieve their long term objectives (Center for Brain Health, 2012).

The decision making is considered as the essence of success in the businesses and the businesses that managed to survive successfully in market are those which took the big decision rights. However, it is obviously not easy to make good decisions. This is because, it requires the ability to identify challenges and predict the potential outcomes as the result of making that certain decision. For this purpose, the businessmen are required to make timely decisions by balancing the data with their instincts in order to attain most of the benefits out of it. The decision making abilities have the capacities to ...
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