Effectiveness of the Nursing Process and Step by Steps Understanding4
Concept of Nursing Care10
Research Method13
Sample Size14
Data Collection14
Sample Size18
Data Collection18
Risk for Injury20
Nursing Diagnosis21
Expected Outcomes22
Achievement of Outcome24
Patient Centered26
Devotion and Dedication26
Maintenance Of Standards27
Nursing Education and Research27
Role of Florence Nightingale27
Nursing Care Concepts further Explanations28
Virginia Henderson's Definition of Nursing29
Decision-Making Situation in Nursing32
Nursing Process Paper
Nursing is a profession which is prominent across the world. When society changes, nursing also changes. Nurses possess a skill unlike other professionals; nurses must master more information than ever before available about human health and disease. Not only do nurses have to be intelligent but they also must be good leaders and team members, as well. Nurses must learn to think in a variety of different ways. Critical and creative thinking is often necessary and communication skills must be optimal. A successful nurse must also grapple with practical, ethical, and legal dilemmas. All of the above qualities make what it takes to be a reputable nurse, who can execute the nursing process effectively (Chitty 1).
Nursing is “the protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response, and advocacy in the care of individuals, families, communities, and populations” (ANA 7). The science of nursing is based on a critical thinking framework, known as the nursing process.
The nursing process is composed of assessment, diagnosis, outcomes identification, planning, implementation, and evaluation. These steps serve as the foundation of clinical decision making and are used to provide practice for patients. Nurses are always using critical thinking to respond to the needs of clients, and use strategies that support a promising outcome most appropriate for the patient's situation (Wilkinson 1-3).
Effectiveness of the Nursing Process and Step by Steps Understanding
Recently, some nursing leaders have been questioning the effectiveness of the nursing process. These subjects argue that by using the nursing process system, nurses are merely writing a textbook diagnosis rather than successfully looking at the patient's case. Most agree, however, that the nursing process is important because the nursing process benefits the clients by focusing on them. The nursing process promotes collaboration between the health team by delivering effective, individualized care, and the work atmosphere becomes more positive. The nursing process also prevents errors and speeds up diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of patient problems; this means that the client will spend less time in a hospital and therefore lowers cost. The nursing process also makes it easier to understand what nurses do and individualizes care for the patient that the doctor can not provide in a few simple steps (Wilkinson 7-9)
The first step of the nursing process is the assessment phase: getting the facts. In this first stage, the nurse collects, organizes, validates and records data about the patient's current health status. The data is collected in a systematic and ongoing process. Data is obtained through examination of the patient, talking to the client and their family, and reading charts and ...